Seismic refraction and wide-angle data surveying the continent-to-ocean trans...
In September of 2018, the Spanish research vessel Sarmiento de Gamboa shot the seismic profile FRAME-p03 across the continent-to-ocean transition zone in the Iberia Abyssal... -
Seismic refraction and wide-angle data across Emperor Seamounts (Northwest Pa...
In May of 2019 the US American research vessel Marcus G. Langseth shot seismic profile p01 across the Emperor Seamounts in the northwest Pacific Ocean. Shots were recorded on 27... -
Amundsen Sea shelf, seismic reflection profile AWI-20100136
Seismic reflection profile AWI-20100136 collected on the Amundsen Sea shelf during cruise ARK-XXVI/3 with RV Polarstern in 2010. 3 GI-guns were used as seismic source, a 3000 m... -
Amundsen Sea shelf, seismic reflection profile AWI-20100137
Seismic reflection data collected during cruise ANT-XXVI-3 with RV Polarstern on the Amundsen Sea shelf. 3 GIguns were used a seismic source, a 3000 m long (active length)... -
Amundsen Sea shelf, seismic reflection profile AWI-20100122
Seismic reflection profile AWI-20100122 collected during cruise ANT-XXVI/3 with RV Polarstern to the Amundsen Sea shelf. 3 GI-guns were used as seismic source, a 3000 m long... -
Seismic reflection profiles and OBS data during Meteor cruise M79/2
The data set comprises a wide-angle reflection/refraction profile and adjacent multi-channel seismic data, which have been recorded between 28 August and 18 September 2009... -
Seismic refraction and wide-angle data along Emperor Seamounts (Northwest Pac...
In May of 2019 the US American research vessel Marcus G. Langseth shot a seismic profile along the Emperor Seamounts in the northwest Pacific Ocean. Shots were recorded on 29... -
Amphibious seismic refraction and wide-angle data recorded along profile P01 ...
In August and September of 2006 the seismic WESTMED project was conducted in the Western Mediterranean aboard the German RV "Meteor" during the cruise M69/2. Profile 01 (p01)... -
Pre-stack depth and time migrated ocean bottom hydrophone data of the young J...
The provided data are pre-stack depth (psdm) and pre-stack time (pstm) migrated Ocean Bottom Hydrophone datasets for the lines RFR96-01, RFR96-03, RFR96-05, and RFR96-08. In... -
Seismic refraction survey on the eastern flank of the Juan de Juca Ridge duri...
During RV SONNE cruise SO111, five 50 to 60 km long seismic refraction and wide-angle profiles were shot on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge near 48°N, southwest of... -
Ocean bottom seismometer and ocean bottom hydrophone sgy-files of seismic ref...
During the cruise M69/2 of the German RV Meteor a West-East trending seismic refraction and wide-angle profile was obtained, sampling the structure of the Western... -
Wide-angle seismic data of the Porcupine Basin during METEOR cruise M61/2
The dataset contains the raw .segy files of the ocean bottom seismometers/hydrophones (OBS/H) that recorded wide-angle seismic data along 6 profiles in the Porcupine Basin. The...