Transcriptomic responses of urban corals to OA and thermal stress
Marginal environments, such as urban reefs found in the Port of Miami, are hypothesized to be a source of potentially resilient reef-building corals. To determine whether urban... -
Yearly averaged Ba/Ca and Mg/Ca LA-ICP-MS data from the forereef (FR-12) and ...
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Monthly averaged Ba/Ca LA-ICP-MS data from the forereef (FR-12) and backreef ...
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Repeated top core transects for 0.5 mm average binned LA-ICP-MS Ba/Ca alongsi...
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Boron and carbon isotope, and B/Ca data for a Siderastrea siderea coral core ...
Massive scleractinian corals provide unique opportunities to reconstruct past climatic and chemical changes in the ocean, where there is no additional information. Regular pH... -
Stable isotope and trace element data for a Siderastrea siderea coral core CI...
Massive corals act as a climate archive for the tropical oceans. They can provide valuable information in regions that have no or limited observations such as the southern Gulf... -
Monthly averaged Ba/Ca solution data from the forereef (FR-12) and backreef (...
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Coral species abundance on nearshore lagoonal reefs on the Belize Mesoamerica...
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