Superconductivity and the FμF state in ACa2Fe4As4F2
Materials with a layered structure have been the subject of great interest as potential candidates for high-temperature superconductors. The ACa2Fe4As4F2 family of materials... -
Soft chemistry tuning between magnetism and superconductivity in K{1-x}Fe{2-y...
Traditional high-temperature synthesis techniques can be used to vary the composition of K{1-x}Fe{2-y}Se2 up to certain limits. We have found a way to extend the limits on the K... -
Muon-spin rotation study of the in-plane magnetic penetration depth of REFe_(...
We propose a TF-muSR investigation of the superconducting properties of the REFe_(1-y)Ru_yAsO_{1-x}F_x compound (RE=La, Sm). In this system the substitution of Fe by the... -
Probing magnetic ground state in Chromium doped topological insulator
The topological insulating materials doped with the magnetic impurity recently attracts special attention for the spintronic applications, where possible coexistence of magnetic... -
Spin Frustration in Iridate Systems, and the Role of the Spin-Orbit Coupling
We propose to investigate the roles of the spin-orbit interaction and geometrical frustration in stabilising a quantum spin liquid phase (QSL) in some iridate systems. µSR is a... -
Muon spin rotation study on PrTSi3 (T = Ir, Rh and Ru)
Recently we have investigated three new ternary intermetallic compounds PrTSi3 (T = Ir, Rh and Ru) which form in BaNiSn3-type tetragonal structure. The susceptibility exhibits... -
An ALC study of the organic ferroelectrics TTF-CA and TTF-BA (continuation)
This dataset has no description
Interplay between magnetism and superconductivity in the FeYSr2Cu2Oy iron sub...
We want to address the problem of a possible coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism in the FeSr2YCu2Oy cuprate by means of a combined ZF/TF-muSR study. This compound... -
Ion dynamics in Potassium Ordered & Disordered KxCoO2
We have recently presented a novel method to study ion-dynamics in solids using muSR via the hopping rate (nu). We have previously and successfully applied this method to study... -
Layered lithium iron selenide hydroxide superconductors
FeSe is a superconductor below 8.5 K. Very recently, we have found superconductivity in a wide compositional range in a series of layered lithium iron selenide hydroxides.... -
A hidden spin liquid state in strongly correlated FeCrAs
In this continuation proposal we will conclude our muon study of FeCrAs, a recently re-examined material that displays many of the above characteristics, suggesting that it is a... -
Coupling of chains in a new, highly tuneable, isostructural series of model q...
Here we propose measurements on a unique, newly synthesized series of coordination polymers based on chains of Cu2+ ions. These have been designed with the intention of...