Search for spin excitations and spin resonance in ThFeAsN1-xOx (x=0 and 0.3)
Recently, the first nitrogen-containing iron pnictide superconductors ThFeAsN, has been discovered with Tc = 30 K. We have investigated the gap symmetry in ThFeAsN using musr.... -
A comparative IFWS study of dynamics in the photosynthetic antenna complex LH...
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Stochastic vs. Intermolecular Motions in Strongly Associated Liquids: The Cas...
Neutron scattering is a powerful technique to study stochastic motions in liquids but it requires an energy resolution well below the meV range. As a consequence, quasielastic... -
Interaction between slow dynamics of nuclear and magnetic domains in relaxor ...
Neutron experiment is carried out on relaxor magnet LuFeCoO4 to study the coupling between the slow dynamics of the dielectric and magnetic properties. At 190 K, the nuclear and... -
Investigations on magnetic structure and spin density wave ordering in two di...
Amongst the various layered compounds [Ca2CoO3][CoO2]1.62 (CCO) is very intriguing because of its complex crystal and magnetic structure which is yet hidden. The crystal... -
Cooperative Jahn-Teller distortions in Ru4+ double perovskites
The aim of the proposed experiment is to use HRPD to follow the temperature dependence of the crystal structures of the double perovskites La2MgRuO6 and La2CoRuO6. This is of... -
Investigating reversible heterolytic H2 activation in Frustrated Lewis Acid B...
Remarkably, hydrogen may be activated for chemical reaction at room temperature using a new family of frustrated Lewis acid-base pair (FLB) materials. In these complexes... -
ZIF-8 cooling
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Do defect structures in the pyrochlore Tb2Ti2O7 control hidden order or the t...
The rare earth pyrochlores have been at the forefront of research into exotic magnetic phenomena for some years. In general they are of interest because they are frustrated -... -
Vibrational properties of hydrogen in niobium oxide
Niobium oxide based compounds have superior catalytic properties. Research to get an inside into the physical properties of hydrogen is extremely difficult as hydrogen in Nb2O5... -
The use of INS to characterise prototype methane reforming catalysts over a r...
Previous work by the experimental team has successfully examined methane reforming catalysts using CO2 as the oxidant. Unfortunately, the progression to using steam as the... -
High resolution INS spectra of hydrocarbonaceous overlayers formed on novel m...
For the first time, the research team aim to use INS to characterise a series of new high specification methane reforming catalysts. The enhanced performance of these catalysts... -
Mapping the magnon spectra in the skyrmion phase of MnSi
In cubic B20 structures, skyrmions, topologically-protected three-dimensional spin textures, arise from competition of the ferromagnetic exchange interaction and the... -
In-situ High Temperature Studies of BiFeO3 in a Stabilising Oxygen Atmosphere
The drive to find novel materials for applications such as data storage has led to a resurgence in research into multiferroic materials. Bismuth ferrite is the most widely... -
Investigation of the hydrogen bonding and anisotropic displacement parameters...
We will investigate the structure of 4-chloroimidazole, which undergoes extreme anisotropic thermal expansion. This is believed from our initial x-ray results to be due to a... -
Investigation of Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons through temperature-fi...
YbAl3C3 exhibits a spin gap formation due to spin dimer ground state below 10 K. In zero-field the ground state is paramagnetic and no sign of long range magnetic ordering down... -
Low-energy spin excitations in Cu4(OD)6FBr
Quantum spin liquids (QSLs) represent a state where a local moment system remains non-ordered at zero temperature due to geometrical or quantum frustrations. The Barlowite... -
Clarifying the interaction between cyclic oxime and acidic silanols in hierar...
Caprolactam (CL) is a high-value chemical and precursor to nylon-6. Industrially, a harsh, liquid acid catalyst transforms C6-oxime to CL but due to the risk and inefficiency of... -
Reentrant Structural Transitions and Collapse of Charge and Orbital Orders in...
A-site ordered quadruple perovskites, AA3B4O12, show many interesting physical and chemical properties, for example, inter-site charge transfer and disproportionation, giant... -
The coupling of spin and charge correlations in La2-xSrxCuO4
Charge density wave (CDW) order has recently been established as a generic feature of high-temperature cuprate superconductors. It occurs near 1/8 doping and has been observed...