Urwesen - Studentisches Medienprojekt zur Internationalen REKLIM Konferenz in...
Ein Stück Schlamm. Grau, leblos, kalt. Feine Linien ziehen sich hindurch und ein Faden verläuft in einer Zickzack-Linie über die Oberfläche. Es ist eine Sedimentprobe aus dem... -
Friesengeist - Studentisches Medienprojekt zur Internationalen REKLIM Konfere...
Die Menschen in Nordfriesland wissen, dass die Küste – und damit ihre Heimat – kein stabiler Zustand ist, sondern sich ständig verändert. In der Vergangenheit haben mehrfach... -
Wächter am Watt - Studentisches Medienprojekt zur Internationalen REKLIM Konf...
In der Nordsee sind vor allem die friesischen Inseln vom Meeresspiegelanstieg betroffen, u.a. auch die ostfriesische Insel Norderney. Welche Herausforderungen kommen durch den... -
Hitze - Studentisches Medienprojekt zur Internationalen REKLIM Konferenz in K...
Karlsruhe gilt als der im mittleren Wert heißeste Ort Deutschlands.Der Film trifft Bewohner auf der Strasse und fragt sie nach den Folgen die diese Phänomen für ihren Alltag... -
Vernagt - Studentisches Medienprojekt zur Internationalen REKLIM Konferenz in...
Durch die steigende Temperatur auf unserem Planeten schmelzen überall Gletscher. Die Konsequenzen werden letztendlich die Menschen tragen müssen. Doch die ersten Opfer sind die... -
Sea-floor videos and photographs (benthos) along 12 ROV profiles during POLAR...
ROV (sprint 103) equiped with 36mm still and two video cameras. Video Codecs Used: MPEG-2 Video; File Format: MPEG-2 PS (mpeg-2 program stream); Frame Width: 720 pixels; Frame... -
Upward looking videos recorded with an ROV under sea ice at station PS80/384-1
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Upward looking videos recorded with an ROV under sea ice at station PS80/360-1
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Upward looking videos recorded with an ROV under sea ice at station PS80/349-1
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Upward looking videos recorded with an ROV under sea ice at station PS80/335-1
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Upward looking videos recorded with an ROV under sea ice at station PS80/323-1
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Upward looking videos recorded with an ROV under sea ice at station PS80/255-1
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Upward looking videos recorded with an ROV under sea ice at station PS80/237-1
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Upward looking videos recorded with an ROV under sea ice at station PS80/224-1
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Links to sea-bottom video files along 13 transects off Helgoland
This dataset has no description
Video documentation of Panarea CO2 seepage (2012) during cruise ECO2-3
The gas flow was monitored for several hours during each deployment with the timelapse technique using a Canon EOS D600. Observations made by the divers under water indicate the... -
Sea-bottom video at ROV station PS77/253-1, Larsen-A, full length
Due to difficulties with time synchronization there is a 15s delay between the time shown in the videos and the ship time (PC time). Both times are listed in the table. If any... -
3D models created from the ROV videos at station Errina2012_GD and their corr...
3D models of the substrate in the steep-sloped Guadalupe Channel in Chilean Patagonia were created with the software PhotoModeler Scanner (v.2012.0.0.586) based on 2D video data... -
3D models created from the ROV videos at station PS77/253-1 and their corresp...
3D models of the Antarctic seafloor were created with the software PhotoModeler Scanner (v.2012.0.0.586) based on 2D video data from a ROV (Sperre SubFighter 7500 DC, Sven Loven... -
3D models created from the ROV videos at station PS69/724-1 and their corresp...
3D models of the Antarctic seafloor were created with the software PhotoModeler Scanner (v.2012.0.0.586) based on 2D video data from a ROV (Sub-Atlantic, Cherokee, Marum,...