(Appendix Table 1) Geochemistry and sedimentology of surface sediment samples...
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Geochemistry of sediment core PS1821-6
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Conventional XRF data from marine sediment core E-8X, Danish North Sea, cover...
The data set contains raw datafiles from PANalytical Axios mAX sequential, fully automatic wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. The XRF data was collected in... -
(Table 10) Geochemistry of spinels at DSDP Holes 59-447A and 59-449
Cation proportions on the basis of 32 oxygens. Empty cells = no data. -
(Table 8) Geochemistry of selected Fe/Ti-oxides at DSDP Leg 65 Holes
Proportions shown on a basis of 40 oxygen atoms. Empty cells mean data not determined. -
(Table 7) Chemical composition of basalts at DSDP Hole 66-487
Empty cells mean not determined. Chemical analyses of basalts in DSDP Hole 66-487 were carried out by Y. V. Dolinina. -
(Table 5) Titanomagnetite in basalts DSDP Hole 66-487
The determination of the unit cell dimension of magnetic ore mineral from Sample 66-487-20-1,113-115 cm, performed by M. T. Dmitrieva, shows that according to the value of this... -
(Table 4) Chemical composition of basalt from DSDP Hole 66-487
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(Table 2) Chemical composition of brown clays from DSDP Hole 66-487
Empty cells mean not determined. -
(Table 1) Chemical composition of grayish olive muds from DSDP Hole 66-487
Empty cells mean not determined. -
(Table 7) Chemical composition of olivine-plagioclase phyric and plagioclase ...
Empty cells indicates that analysis for this component was not carried out. -
(Table 3) Chemical composition and structural formulas of chromian spinels fr...
Number of cations on the basis of 4 oxygens. Empty cells mean no data. -
(Table 3) Chemical composition and CIPW norms of basalt at DSDP Hole 76-534A
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(Table 3) Major and trace element concentration in ODP Holes 137-504B and 140...
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(Appendix G) Major element composition of Cr-spinel from ODP Leg 135 holes
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(Appendix F) Major element composition of Cr-spinel from ODP Leg 135 holes
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(Supplement Table 2) Chemical compositions of pyroxene grains in lavas collec...
Standard deviation always 1 sigma. -
(Table T1) Chemical compositions of olivine grains in lavas collected from OD...
Standard deviation always 1 sigma. -
(Appendix) Geochemistry of glass shards of ODP Leg 126 samples
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(Appendix B) Chemical composition of the tephra layers of ODP Site 126-792 an...
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