Trace element contents in recent terrigenous bottom sediments of the Indian O...
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Trace element contents in recent red clays of the Indian Ocean
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Trace element contents in recent diatomaceous-radiolarian bottom sediments of...
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Trace element contents in recent coralline bottom sediments of the Indian Ocean
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Trace element contents in recent calcareous (CaCO3>50%) bottom sediments of t...
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Trace element contents in recent biogenic-terrigenous bottom sediments of the...
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(Table 2) Distribution of iron-manganese nodules and buried interlayers of ox...
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(Table 1) Contents of tephra, tuffs, and Ethmodiscus ooze in sediment cores f...
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(Table 2a) Trace element contents in deep-sea basalts and palagonitized basal...
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(Table 1a) Chemical composition of palagonitized basalts and their alteration...
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(Table 8) Number of Amphiophiura sculptilis with filled stomachs
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(Table 1) Number of Amphiophiura convexa with filled stomachs
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(Table 2) K-Ar age of basalts from the Indian Ocean floor
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(Table 1) Chemical composition of basalts from the Indian Ocean floor
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Grain size composition of sediments from Core VITYAZ4582
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Grain size composition of sediments from Core VITYAZ4575
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(Table 13) Grain size parameters of coccolithic oozes
According to Russian (USSR) decimal grain size classification: sand - 0.1-1 mm; aleurite - 0.1-0.01 mm; pelite - <0.01 mm. -
(Table 12) Grain size parameters of foraminiferal oozes
According to Russian (USSR) decimal grain size classification: sand - 0.1-1 mm; aleurite - 0.1-0.01 mm; pelite - <0.01 mm. -
(Table 9) Grain size parameters of clayey radiolarian oozes
According to Russian (USSR) decimal grain size classification: sand - 0.1-1 mm; aleurite - 0.1-0.01 mm; pelite - <0.01 mm. -
(Table 1) Chemical composition of ethmodiscus oozes from the Indian Ocean
This paper synthesizes all known finds of Ethmodiscus ooze in the Eastern Indian Ocean and indicates areas of its occurrence. Accumulation of Ethmodiscus ooze is controlled by...