Gas chemistry characterization at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps during cruise ECO2-8
The aim was to determine the overall gas composition of benthic fluxes at the Panarea venting sites. In particular the content of CO2 and main reactive gases (i.e. H2, H2S, CH4)... -
Prokaryotic abundance in natural and transplanted sediments at Panarea shallo...
Total prokaryotic cells were enumerated, via AODC method, at natural and transplanted sediments collected both at CO2-impacted sites and reference site. -
Marble tiles dissolution experiment at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps from 2012-2013
To determine the long-term effect of reduced pH on calcium carbonate structures, pre-weighed marble tiles were deployed in 2012 between CO2-impacted sites and Reference site.... -
Recording current meter at Panarea CO2 seepage during cruise ECO2-8
As during the previous field trip, a SEAGUARD recording current meter (AADI, Norway) was used to monitor current speed and direction, temperature, salinity/conductivity,... -
Sedimentary phytopigments and sediment porosity at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps ...
The amount of phytopigments (chlorophyll a and phaeopigments) were assessed for sediments profile (0 to 10 cm depth) of samples collected at CO2-impacted sites and reference... -
Respiration rates and fluid flow in benthic chambers at Panarea CO2 seepage d...
Benthic chambers were deployed to measure total flux rates of oxygen consumption/production, nutrients and DIC within a defined volume of sediment and seawater. They were also... -
Nutrients and geochemistry of bottom water and porewater at Panarea CO2 seeps...
Bottom waters and pore waters were collected at "natural sediments" of CO2-seep sites and reference site, and at transplantation bags.Sediment depth: negative values mean above... -
Meiofauna in natural and transplanted sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps ...
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Total organic matter, nitrogen, organic carbon and C:N ratio in natural and t...
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Pigments in natural and transplanted sediments at Panarea shallow CO2 seeps d...
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Grain size composition of natural and transplanted sediments at Panarea shall...
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Free neutral monosaccharides and combined monosaccharides in seawater and rel...
Bulk seawater, surface microlayer, ice core and brine samples from the Arctic, the North and Tropical Atlantic and Raunefjorden were investigated on their sugar concentrations.... -
Sea-suface microlayer (SML) and underlying water (ULW) samples focusing on CD...
The coastal upwelling system off the coast of Peru is characterized by high biological activity and a pronounced subsurface oxygen minimum zone, as well as associated emissions... -
Continuous pCO2 measurements with a multiple fibre optics device at station M...
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Continuous pCO2 measurements with a multiple fibre optics device at station M...
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Continuous pCO2 measurements with a multiple fibre optics device at station M...
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Continuous pCO2 measurements with a multiple fibre optics device at station M...
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Continuous pCO2 measurements with a multiple fibre optics device at station M...
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Current meter measurements near Bottaro Crater (Panarea) during cruise ECO2-8
Location: 25 m SE of Bottaro Crater (Panarea); ECO2-8-A-01 buoyancy failed over night -
Physical oceanography and pCO2 measurements near Bottaro Crater (Panarea) dur...
Location: 15 m S of Bottaro Crater;ECO2-8-CTD-01 bouyancy failed over night; ECO2-8-CTD-02 no data; ECO2-8-HC-11 only HC measurements in Whirlpool location between Bottaro and...