54 datasets found

Keywords: above ground biomass

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  • Lönnstorp Research Station - Sweden

    SITES Lönnstorp research station is situated in the Scanian agricultural landscape between Malmö and Lund and has a focus on the design, sustainable development and assessment...
  • Vestskoven - Denmark

    Vestskoven is a 15 km2 ongoing afforestation area located 15 km west of central Copenhagen. Since 1967 arable land has successively been bought up for afforestation in order to...
  • Klausen-Leopoldsdorf Long term forest monitoring - Austria

    The site Klausen-Leopoldsdorf is part of the European Level II Forest Monitoring System in the frame of the International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of...
  • Tyrolean Mountain Grassland and -Forest - Austria

    'Tyrolean Mountain Grassland and -Forest' currently consits of 'Stubai - combination of Neustift meadows and Kaserstattalm' (DEIMS.iD:...
  • Orgovany Site, KISKUN LTER - Hungary

    Orgovany-Agasegyhaza site for studying production-diversity relations and weather effect of productivity.
  • Kis-Balaton Site, Balaton LTER - Hungary

    In order to combat the eutrophication of Lake Balaton, the Kis-Balaton Water Protection System (KBWPS) was initiated in the early 1980s. Originally, the KBWPS consisted of an 18...
  • Röbäcksdalen Field Research Station - Sweden

    Röbäcksdalen research station was established 1954 and contains a field station and a dairy barn. The field station offers the ability to perform field research in a variety of...
  • Sani Environmental Observatory - Greece

    The Sani Environmental Observatory (S.E.O.) is located within a mature, near-coastal Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis L.) ecosystem at the peninsula of Kassandra, in Chalkidiki,...
  • OZCAR-RI PEATLAND Landemarais - France

    This site experienced peat extraction. It contains Sphagnum plots and Vaccinium oxycoccos, but the peatland is dominated by graminoids forming tussocks.
  • Skogaryd Research Catchment - Sweden

    Skogaryd is designed and state of the art equipped for interdisciplinary landscape and atmospheric studies that encompasses the complete catchment from a pristine bog via...
  • Parangalitsa - Bulgaria

    This site is located on the territory of National Park “Rila”, Bulgaria. Parangalitsa has been a reserve since 1933. It is situated on part of the southwestern slopes of Rila...
  • OZCAR-RI PEATLAND Frasne - France

    This is a Sphagnum dominated bog, which is part of a mire complex.
  • Aukstaitija Integrated Monitoring Station - Lithuania

    Monitoring stations in Aukštaitija NP started functioning in 1993. Aukstaitija station (LT01) was founded in strict reserve zone of Aukstaitija national park in Ažvinčių old...
  • TERENO Harz - central german lowland - Hohes Holz - Germany

    The Hohes Holz is a mixed beech forest, with an intensive research site with respect to carbon and water cycle at the northern border of the Bode catchment close to Magdeburg,...
  • Miyazaki University Forests - Japan

    The site named Miyazaki University Forests is located hilly region in southern part of Kyushu island, Japan. The site is managed by University of Miyazaki to promote scientific...
  • Brasschaat - De Inslag - Belgium

    The LTER-site of Brasschaat is a 2 ha scientific zone in a first generation plantation (1929) of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) on former heathland located in a mixed...
  • Leiemeersen - Belgium

    Fen meadow and transition mire nature reserve
  • OZCAR-RI PEATLAND La Guette - France

    This is a peatland located in Sologne, 80 km south of Orléans. La Guette peatland is one of the four sites of the SNO Tourbières (CNRS). All the sites of the SNO Tourbières are...
  • National Park Hainich - Germany

    Hainich is a large deciduous forest area in Thuringia and is situated in central Germany not far from the town of Eisenach with the famous Wartburg Castle. With a total area of...
  • Bily Kriz - Czechia

    The site Bily Kriz (Bílý Kříž) is located in Moravian-Silesian Beskids Mountains. Ecosystem type: Managed secondary pure Norway spruce stand. Prevailing species: Norway spruce...
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