Bibliometric data on 'grey literature' in the archaeological report genre
The study in which this data was collected aimed at nuancing the perception about professional documentation (a.k.a. ‘grey literature’), assuming perception of documentation... -
Archaeological entities and timespans extracted from all archaeology document...
We trained a BERT language model for Dutch Archaeology, and fine-tuned it to perform Named Entity Recognition for 6 categories of entity: artefacts, materials, time periods,... -
Built Environments, Constructed Societies
Archaeology, as the discipline that searches to explain the development of society by means of material remains, has been avoiding the big issues involved with its research... -
DCCD - contribution Kristof Haneca (Ieper)
Deze bestanden bevatten jaarringreeksen (120 reeksen) en meta-data van archeologisch eikenhout, afkomstig van de middeleeuwse site ‘Verdronken weide’ te Ieper. De veldata... -
Teteringen Oosterhoutseweg 112 (gemeente Breda)
In opdracht van NINE Living concepts heeft team erfgoed van de gemeente Breda een inventariserend veldonderzoek door middel van proefsleuven (IVO-P) uitgevoerd op 10 februari... -
Breda Warmtenet Lunetstraat-Middellaan
In opdracht van Ennatuurlijk BV (in samenwerking met Heijmans BV) heeft team Erfgoed van de gemeente Breda een opgraving variant archeologische begeleiding uitgevoerd vanaf 17... -
Peat reclamations of the Pre-Roman Iron Age and Roman Iron Age: Drainage ditc...
GIS-supplement for Palaeohistoria paper: Peat reclamations of the Pre-Roman Iron Age and Roman Iron Age: Drainage ditch systems and settlement patterns in the province of... -
Rotterdam Kapelplein. Een bureauonderzoek.
Het bureauonderzoek is uitgevoerd in het plangebied Kapelplein in de gemeente Rotterdam, omdat voor het plangebied herinrichtingsplannen zijn. Indien archeologische waarden... -
Ergänzungsmaterial zu: Population trend in the Merovingian era in Western and...
Data on Early Medieval population growth in Western and Southern Germany, based on the number of cemeteries and on the number of archaeologically dated graves. -
16th–18th-century drinking vessels with diamond-point engraved decorations
Andmed koguti kasutades erinevaid avaldatud teoseid ja veebikogusid ning arheoloogilisi leide (Eesti, Soome, Läti). Eesmärgiks oli koostada andmestik 16.–18. sajandi façon de... -
Landscape archaeological investigations near Wanna, district Cuxhaven, Germany
In the Ahlen-Falkenberger Moor, District of Cuxhaven beneath layers of peat lays a conserved prehistoric landscapes. For a long time it was assumed that due to its boggy... -
Lead isotope analyses (LIA) on lead sling bullets from Pre-Roman and Roman co...
The data publication presented is concerned with the collection of geochemical results enhanced with metadata of archaeologic, stylistic, geographic and other crucial... -
Magnetic raw data (SENSYS MXV3 system entire dataset) during campaign Ihlow-N...
This is the measurement data from the geomagnetic prospection of the Ihlow monastery (district of Aurich, Lower Saxony, Germany). A total of about 4.4 ha were measured on 4... -
Arkeologiska elitindikatorer från Östergötlands yngre järnålder
The Swedish province of Östergötland has long been recognised as one of the 1st millennium's political hot spots. Splendid single finds, though never before surveyed... -
GIS-material för arkeologiskt projekt: Multisportarena vid Himmelstalund - Bo...
GIS-material for the archaeological project: Multi-sport arena by Himmelstalund The ZIP file consist of GIS files and an Access database with information about the excavations,... -
GIS-material för arkeologiskt projekt: Gärstadverken och Leca - Inför nytt de...
GIS-material for the archaeological project: Gärstadverken and Leca The ZIP file consist of GIS files with information about the excavations, findings and other metadata about... -
CAPTURE enkät om skapande och användning av arkeologisk data
An online survey targeted to individuals who, according to themselves, had previously used and/or created, collected or deposited archaeological data (understood broadly,... -
Chemical p-XRF data of archeological pottery, Wanna, Germany
This is the measurement data from chemical analysis of archaeological Neolithic pottery using portable X-ray fluorescence analysis (p-XRF). The pottery came from the sites Wanna... -
Magnetic raw data (SENSYS MXV3 system entire dataset) during campaign AFM-NIh...
This is the measurement data from the geomagnetic prospection of the Ahlen-Falkenberger Moor (district of Cuxhaven, Lower Saxony, Germany) as part of the research project... -
Magnetic raw data (SENSYS MXV3 system entire dataset) during campaign AFM-NIh...
This is the measurement data from the geomagnetic prospection of the Ahlen-Falkenberger Moor (district of Cuxhaven, Lower Saxony, Germany) as part of the research project...