Hypomesus transpacificus Genome sequencing and assembly
Assembly of the delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) genome to inform estimates of demography, domestication, migration and epigenetic studies. -
Oyster Gut Microbiomes in Narragansett Bay RI
Oysters in coastal and estuarine environments are subject to fluctuating environmental conditions, including nutrient loading, runoff, pollution, and anoxia, that may impact... -
seaweed diverge the microbial community in coastal seawaters
Although the effects of a certain seaweed on microbial community structure have been focused, the response of microbial communities to different seaweed cultivation and seasons... -
Whole-genome re-sequencing of the Japanese eels
Japanese, European, and American eels are migratory, and catadromous migration fish share several common features in their life cycles. Panmixia of American and European eels... -
Coastal eDNA sample from Liaodong Bay Genome sequencing
Using eDNA technology to detect fish diversity in the coastal area of Liaodong Bay -
Fish eDNA sample from different primers selection Metagenome
In this research, we aim to select optimal primers facing different aquatic ecosystems. We selected five different study areas, representing five typical aquatic ecosystems... -
The anti-phage mutant bacteria
anti-phage mutant OCh114 -
Compositional and functional shifts in bacterial community in waters at the M...
Saline intrusion threatens the drinking water and ecological safety in densely populated estuary. In this study, we performed 16S full-length amplicons sequencing on samples... -
16S rRNA Metagenomic Sequencing of Surface Water Samples from Caloosahatchee ...
Initial survey of prokaryotic diversity in Caloosahatchee River and Estuary from highly monitored Caloosahatchee River and Estuary sites. Surface water samples were collected by... -
Estuarine water biome Raw sequence reads
the spatial and temporal distribution and diversity of bacteriophankton communities -
CIMAR23f - 16S rRNA sequences
16S rRNA sequences from Patagonian fjord aquatic microbial free-living fraction 0.22 - 3.0. -
Bacterial community composition of the Río Negro estuary (Patagonia, Argentina)
The bacterial communities of the Río Negro estuary in the Argentinian Patagonia were studied to understand the effect of wetland outwelling and tides on their composition and to... -
Dataset on the transcriptome of the mangrove oyster Crassostrea gasar
We revisited the Roche 454 pyrosequencing data of transcripts from the gills and digestive glands of C. gasar, which had been exposed to three prevalent environmental... -
Within-generation local adaptation in F. heteroclitus
This project aimed to identify within-generation allele frequency changes in subpopulations of Fundulus heteroclitus inhabiting distinct environmental niches. Repeated,... -
Larval fish diet and zooplankton metabarcoding
Dietary DNA from the larval stages of two fishes, longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) and Pacific herring (Clupea palasii) was sequenced targeting the mitochondrial... -
Study of microplastic biofilm cultured by river water
Two types of microplastic (PLA and PVC) biofilm were cultured by river water