Svenska valdata: Europaparlamentsvalet 1995
Election results for all municipalities in Sweden at the 1995 European Parliament elections. Contains information on the number of Swedish citizens entitled to vote, the number... -
Svenska valdata: Europaparlamentsvalet 1999
Election results for all electoral districts in Sweden at the 1999 European Parliament elections. Contains information on the number of Swedish citizens entitled to vote, the... -
Svenska valdata: Europaparlamentsvalet 2004
Election results for all electoral districts in Sweden at the 2004 European Parliament elections. Contains information on the number of Swedish citizens entitled to vote, the... -
Kommunmedborgarundersökningen 1991 - huvudundersökning
This survey forms part of the research program 'Demokrati i förändring'. The survey was carried out immediately after the local elections in 1991. Areas covered: Opinion on how... -
Kommunmedborgarundersökningen 1991 - Göteborgsundersökning
This survey forms part of the research program 'Demokrati i förändring'. The survey was carried out immediately after the local elections in 1991. Areas covered: Opinion on how... -
Efta-barometer autumn 1992: Austria, Finland and Sweden
The survey was carried out simultaneously in the three EFTA-countries Austria, Finland, and Sweden. In each country approximately 1 000 persons were asked about their opinions... -
SIFO 1990: Kluvna svenskar positiva till EG
In this study, carried out by the Swedish Institute of Public Opinion Research (SIFO) at the request of the Swedish Employers´ Confederation, the respondents were asked about... -
SIFO 1992: Majoritet mot svensk EG-anslutning
The Swedish Institute of Public Opinion Research (SIFO) carried out this survey at the request of the daily paper Göteborgs-Posten. The respondents were asked if they would have... -
VALU 1994 - SVT:s vallokalsundersökning riksdagsvalet 1994
The first Swedish exit poll survey was carried out in connection with the elections in 1991, and it was followed by a similar survey in 1994. Voters leaving the polling stations... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 1995
Since 1986 the research project ´Samhälle Opinion Massmedia´ (SOM) has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the tenth survey... -
VALU 1994 - SVT:s vallokalsundersökning folkomröstningen 1994
Swedish exit poll surveys was carried out in connection with the elections in 1991and 1994, and they were followed by a similar survey in connection with the referendum on... -
VALU 1995 - SVT:s vallokalsundersökning Europaparlamentsvalet 1995
This exit poll survey was carried out in connection with the first Swedish election to the European parliament on May 25, 2014. In VALU - Swedish exit poll surveys - voters... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 1996
Since 1986 the research project ´Samhälle Opinion Massmedia´ (SOM) has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the eleventh... -
Europaparlamentsvalundersökning 1995
Sweden joined the European Union on the 1st of January 1995, and the first election to the EU-parliament was held on the 17th of September 1995. As in connection with all... -
VALU 1999 - SVT:s vallokalsundersökning Europaparlamentsvalet 1999
This exit poll survey was carried out in connection with the election to the European parliament on June 13, 1999. In VALU - Swedish exit poll surveys - voters leaving polling... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 1998
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the thirteenth survey in this series. The SOM-institute... -
Europaparlamentsvalundersökning 1999
The second Swedish election to the EU-parliament was held on the 13th of June 1999. As in connection to all general elections and referenda held in Sweden since 1956, an... -
VALU 2002 - SVT:s vallokalsundersökning riksdagsvalet 2002
This exit poll survey was carried out in connection with the parliamentary election on September 15, 2002. In VALU - Swedish exit poll surveys - voters leaving polling stations... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2001
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the seventeenth survey in this series. The SOM-institute... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2002
Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the seventeenth survey in this series. The SOM-institute...