M162 GLORIA-FLOW, Heat flow data at station HF2004
Heat flow data, taken with the 6 m Bremen heat probe during M162 in the Gulf of Cadiz. Heat flow data were measured across fault zones to support the idea of fluid transport... -
M162 GLORIA-FLOW, Heat flow data at station HF2003
Heat flow data, taken with the 6 m Bremen heat probe during M162 in the Gulf of Cadiz. Heat flow data were measured across fault zones to support the idea of fluid transport... -
Geospatial data and estimated circulation temperature, heat-flux and thermal ...
This zip.file contains compiled data for thermal springs (location, flow rate, temperature, hydrochemistry & isotope data) collected in dataset 1 of this data collection. In... -
Heat flow measurements of Meteor cruise M149
This dataset has no description
Terrestrial heat flow in the Malawi Rifted Zone, East Africa
This is the data file of the geothermal parameters which include, Curie point depth, geothermal gradient and heat flow for the Malawi Rifted Zone derived from aeromagnetic data.... -
Magnetic, Gravity anomaly grids and derived Potential field grids from Powell...
Powell Basin is a small oceanic basin bounded by continental blocks that fragmented during the break up of Antarctica from South America. This basin has been extensively studied... -
Analysis of element behavior in mylonites of the Seve Nappe of the Scandinavi...
The International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) performed a dual-phase scientific drilling project to investigate mountain-building processes called Collisional... -
The German Heat Flow Database 2022
The data publication contains all heat-flow data of onshore Germany. The data release contains data generated between 1959 and 2020 and constitutes a substantial update and... -
COSC-1 operational report - Operational data sets
The Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC) scientific drilling project focuses on mountain building processes in a major mid-Paleozoic orogen in western... -
COSC-1 operational report - Operational data sets (V. 1.2)
This is an updated version of Lorenz et al. (2015) and includes corrected locations of the boreholes and the core depths (for details see Lorenz et al.,...