An Account on Fode Kabaa And Musa Moolo And Their Encounters With The Colonia...
Fode Kabaa Dumbuyaa Encounters with colonial rulers Musa Moolo Alternative names: Foday, Kaba, Dumbuya, Mussa, Moussa, Molo, Fatty, Diaye, Ndiaye, N'Diaye,... -
An Account on The History of Kaabu (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0625A_B)
Continuation of TAPE_0623 The Muslims' intention to convert Kaabunkas Alfa Moolo to Fuuta War against Kaabu Alternative names: Alpha, Molloh, Kuyateh,... -
An Account on The History of Fuladu, Alfa Moolo, Musa Moolo And The Beginning...
Alfa Moolo's early life Battle of Kansala Alfa Moolo becomes ruler Alfa Moolo dies Musa Moolo's wars Musa Moolo's rulership... -
Accounts on Sunjata Keeta And Musa Moolo (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0246A)
Kuruntu Kelefaa Kumbengo Hardiino Summary The griots would inform the rulers to control the behaviour of any man who dared to oppose his leadership. During war... -
An Account on Musa Moolo And Fode Kabaa (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0034A)
Musa Moolo Fode Kabaa Alternative names: Foday, Kaba, Moussa, Mussa, Mollo, Fatty, Diaye, Ndiaye, N'Diaye, Njie, Njai, Mansour Published by NCAC - National... -
An Account on The History of Sandu (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0074A)
History of Sandu Musa Moolo Maamudu Faatima Alternative names: Moussa, Mussa, Molloh, Mamudu, Mamoudu, Fatima, Suso, Susso, Diaye, Ndiaye, N'Diaye, Njie,... -
An Account on The History of Kaabu And Niani (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0132B)
Continuation of TAPE_0132A Second Fulɓe attack in Kaabu with reference to Faramba Tamba Musa Moolo vs. Fode Kabaa with reference to Hamabaa Fode Kabaa vs.... -
An Interview About The History of Kaabu (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0552A_B)
Side A: Origin of Pachisi Bainuk Migration and settlement of the Mandinka Origin of Kaabu and number of states Origin of the clan name... -
Griot Songs (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0136A)
Kelefaa Saane Ala maa a diyaa la jatoo la Alternative names: Kelefa, Bai, Baye, Conteh, Konteh Published by NCAC - National Digital Archive of The Gambia, initiated... -
An Account on The History of Wuli, Jaliyaa (Griotism) And Julayaa (Trade) (NC...
History of Wuli Origin of Jaliyaa Genealogy of the Kanuute clan Kora clan of Tambasangsang Their relationship with Konaate jali (griot) Musa Moolo... -
An Account on The History of Niumi (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0343A)
When Dikori was shot and killed in Patta no one dared to tell Musa Molloh except his griots Suntukung Jali and Marang Sarah. Both men volunteered to inform him about the... -
An Interview About The History of Woyi And Kaabu, Abdu Njayi And Kelefaa Saan...
Woyi: Abdu Njayi Kelefaa Saane Kaabu Civil war Alternative names: Abdou, Diaye, Ndiaye, N'Diaye, Njie, Njai, Kelefa Sanneh, Kebba, Sidibeh, Bakary,... -
An Account on The History of Wuli (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0099A)
History of Wuli The first Gambian rulers Alfa Moolo Mamadu Lamin's Jihad Alternative names: Alpha, Molloh, Molo, Mamadou, Susso, Suso, Jebarte, Jebarteh,... -
A Reading of The History of Alfa Moolo And an Account on Ngansu Masing Maane ...
Predictions of Alfa Yaaya's birth War between Maana/Canjia and Soma/Tumang How Alfa Ibrayima was able to find Kumanika Saane Firdu Fulɓe ask... -
An Interview About The History of Kaabu (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0553B)
Foundation of Moricunda Migration of the Singate and the Jamfo clans Extent of Kaabu Arrival of the Europeans The Saanyang clan: Origins and... -
An Account on Alfa Moolo And Fode Kabaa (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0008A_SE1)
Alfa Moolo Fode Kabaa Alternative names: Alpha, Mollo, Foday, Kaba, Fatty, Kebba, Diaye, Ndiaye, N'Diaye, Njie,Njai Published by NCAC - National Digital Archive... -
Accounts on Kelefaa Saane, Kaabu And Alfa Moolo (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0022A_B)
no audio available Kelefaa Saane Alfa Moolo Kaabu Fuladu Niumi Niani Alternative names: Kelefa, Sanneh, Alpha, Molo, Molloh, Susso, Suso, Jebarte,... -
An Account on Janke Waali (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0370A_SE1)
Janke Waali a) Mansa Sibo was the first ruler of Kabu kingdom. It was foretold that the Kabu kingdom would decline during the reign of a ruler known as Wally. Janke... -
Griot Songs (NCAC_RDD_TAPE_0193A)
Abudu Njayi Siidi ye i laa Ceddo Yundumunkoo Kelefaa Saane Alternativ names: Abdu, Abdou, Diaye, Ndiaye, N'Diaye, Njie, Njai, Seedy, Sidi,... -
An Interview About The History of Wuli, Sandu, Niani And Bundu (NCAC_RDD_TAPE...
History of Wuli Rulers Seex Momodu Lamin Darame War and migration Migration of Tiramakang's decendants Relationship between Niani...