NomVallex 2.5
NomVallex is a manually annotated valency lexicon of Czech nouns and adjectives, adopting the theoretical framework of Functional Generative Description as its theoretical... -
CzeDLex 0.5
CzeDLex 0.5 is a pilot version of a lexicon of Czech discourse connectives. The lexicon contains connectives partially automatically extracted from the Prague Discourse Treebank... -
VALLEX 4.5 provides information on the valency structure (combinatorial potential) of Czech verbs in their particular senses (almost 4 700 verbs in more than 11 080 lexical... -
CALEM (Comprehensive Arabic LEMmas)
Comprehensive Arabic LEMmas is a lexicon covering a large list of Arabic lemmas and their corresponding inflected word forms (stems) with details (POS + Root). Each lexical... -
Moroccan Dialect Electronic Dictionary (MDED) is an electronic lexicon containing almost 15000 MSA entries. They are written in Arabic letters and translated to Moroccan Arabic... -
VALLEX 4.0 (2021-02-12)
VALLEX 4.0 provides information on the valency structure (combinatorial potential) of verbs in their particular senses; each sense is by a gloss and examples. VALLEX 4.0... -
PDT-Vallex: Czech Valency lexicon linked to treebanks 4.0 (PDT-Vallex 4.0)
The valency lexicon PDT-Vallex 4.0 has been built in close connection with the annotation of the Prague Dependency Treebank project (PDT) and its successors (mainly the Prague... -
NomVallex I.
The NomVallex I. lexicon describes valency of Czech deverbal nouns belonging to three semantic classes, i.e. Communication (dotaz 'question'), Mental Action (plán 'plan') and... -
PDT-Vallex: Czech Valency lexicon linked to treebanks
The valency lexicon PDT-Vallex has been built in close connection with the annotation of the Prague Dependency Treebank project (PDT) and its successors (mainly the Prague... -
Lexicon of Czech and German Anaphoric Connectives
GeCzLex 1.0 is an online electronic resource for translation equivalents of Czech and German discourse connectives. It contains anaphoric connectives for both languages and... -
Prague Dependency Treebank 3.5
The Prague Dependency Treebank 3.5 is the 2018 edition of the core Prague Dependency Treebank (PDT). It contains all PDT annotation made at the Institute of Formal and Applied... -
CzeDLex 0.6
CzeDLex 0.6 is the second development version of the lexicon of Czech discourse connectives. The lexicon contains connectives partially automatically extracted from the Prague... -
EngVallex - English Valency Lexicon 2.0
EngVallex 2.0 as a slightly updated version of EngVallex. It is the English counterpart of the PDT-Vallex valency lexicon, using the same view of valency, valency frames and the... -
PDT-Vallex: Czech Valency lexicon linked to treebanks 4.5 (PDT-Vallex 4.5)
The valency lexicon PDT-Vallex 4.5 is a part of the PDT-C 2.0 release https://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-5813. It is a slightly modified version of PDT-Vallex 4.0 from 2020 (as a... -
Lexin flerspråkiga lexikon
Lexin are multilingual dictionaries developed for immigrants who want to learn Swedish, and also suitable for multilingual teaching. The dictionaries consist of between 5,000... -
Lexin: Svensk-tigrinskt lexikon
Swedish-Tigrinya dictionary for immigrants who want to learn Swedish. Includes everyday words and phrases as well as words from Swedish society. text/xml Svensk-tigrinskt... -
Lexin: Svensk-kurdiskt (sydkurdiska) lexikon
Swedish-Kurdish (Sōrāni) dictionary for immigrants who want to learn Swedish. Includes commonly used words and phrases as well as words from Swedish society. text/xml... -
Lexin: Svensk-spanskt lexikon
Swedish-Spanish (in particular American Spanish) dictionary for immigrants who want to learn Swedish. Includes commonly used words and phrases as well as words from Swedish... -
Lexin: Svensk-somaliskt lexikon
Swedish-Somali dictionary for immigrants who want to learn Swedish. Includes commonly used words and phrases as well as words from Swedish society. text/xml Svensk-somaliskt... -
Lexin: Svensk-serbiskt lexikon (kyrillisk)
Swedish-Serbian dictionary (Cyrillic script) for immigrants who want to learn Swedish. Includes commonly used words and phrases as well as words from Swedish society. text/xml...