Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 14
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Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 13
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Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 9
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Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 7
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Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 6
This dataset has no description
Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 12
This dataset has no description
Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 10
This dataset has no description
Properties of a subfossil oyster bed, Grab 5
This dataset has no description
(Table S16) Ichthyolith abundance in IODP Site 342-U1406
Ichthyolith counts (>38µm) and calculated ichthyolith accumulation rates determined in this study. Revised CCSF-A Depth Scale from: van Peer et al. 2017. Sediment dry bulk... -
(Table S15) Barium and Silica accumulation from ODP Site 199-1217
Barium and Silica shipoboard measurements from Leg 199. Data from http://web.iodp.tamu.edu/janusweb/xray/icpdat.cgi?leg=199&site=1217 . Ages adjusted to be on GTS 2012... -
(Table S13) Ichthyolith abundance in ODP Site 199-1217
Ichthyolith counts (>38µm) and calculated ichthyolith accumulation rates determined in this study. Age was determined using shipboard magnetostratigraphy after Lyle et al.... -
(Table S12) Ichthyolith abundance in ODP Hole 145-886C
Ichthyolith counts (>106µm) and calculated ichthyolith accumulation rates used in this study. This data was originally published in Sibert et al. 2016. Age, DBD, and MAR... -
(Table S10) Silicia in ODP Hole 119-744A
Opal accumulation rate from Salamy and Zachos 1999. Data table from pers. Comm with Karen Salamy by E. Sibert, 11/12/2018. Original data from Salamy and Zachos includes all... -
(Table S08) Ichthyolith abundance in ODP Hole 120-748B
Ichthyolith counts (>38µm) and calculated ichthyolith accumulation rates determined in this study. Age was determined using oxygen isotope stratigraphies derived from benthic... -
(Table S07) Barium and Silicia of ODP Hole 113-689B
Barium and Silica accumulation rates from Faul and Delany 2010 (Table S2b) 63703, data: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.831403. Ages re-calculated to be on GTS2012 (see table S6, this study... -
(Table S05) Ichthyolith abundance in ODP Hole 113-689B
Ichthyolith counts (>38µm) and calculated ichthyolith accumulation rates determined in this study. Age model after Mackensen and Ehrmann 1992. (Table 2). Adjusted to GTS... -
(Table S04) Age Model, barium accumulation, and silica accumulation in DSDP H...
Age/Depth datums from Zhou and Kyte 1992. Table 5 includes age datums. Age was adjusted to GTS 2012 by converting fixed iridium anomaly K/Pg Boundary age of 66.4 (Zhou and Kyte... -
(Table S03) Ichthyolith abundance in Hole 91-596
Ichthyolith counts (>38um) and calculated ichthyolith accumulation rates determined in this study. Age was determined using a cobalt accumulation model Zhou and Kyte 1992... -
(Table S01) Ichthyolith abundance in DSDP Hole 73-522
Ichthyolith counts (>38um) and calculated ichthyolith accumulation rates determined in this study.Age adjusted to GTS 2012 using existing magnetostratigraphy (see Table S2... -
(Table A8a) Results of TIMS analysis of rutile and description of grain fract...
Results of TIMS analysis of rutile and description of grain fractions. 206Pb/204Pb ratios are corrected for spike and fractionation only. Radiogenic ratios are corrected for...