238 datasets found

Keywords: medium band photometry

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  • uvby, UBV and radial velocity of WW Aur

    WW Aurigae is a detached eclipsing binary composed of two metallic- lined A-type stars orbiting each other every 2.5 days. We have determined the masses and radii of both...
  • F- and G-type stars in solar neighbourhood

    A new metallicity distribution and an age-metallicity relation are presented for 437 nearby F and G turn-off and sub-giant stars selected from radial velocity data of Nidever et...
  • uvby{beta} photometry of NGC 663

    We present CCD uvby{beta} photometry for stars in the central area of the young open cluster NGC 663. We find that the reddening is highly variable, with values ranging from...
  • G and K dwarfs UBV(RI)c and ubvy photometry

    K dwarfs have lifetimes older than the present age of the Galactic disc, and are thus ideal stars for investigating the chemical evolution of the disc. We have developed several...
  • ubvy{beta} photometry in the Lupus dark cloud

    Stroemgren uvby{beta} photometry observations obtained for 205 stars in the general direction of a void in the IRAS 100-{mu}m emission from the Lupus dark cloud complex are...
  • Ca,by photometry in globular clusters. I. M22

    We investigate the multiple stellar populations in one of the peculiar globular clusters (GCs), M22, using new ground-based wide-field Ca by and Hubble Space Telescope...
  • byH{alpha} photometry in open clusters

    Be stars are a class of rapidly rotating B stars with circumstellar disks that cause Balmer and other line emission. There are three possible reasons for the rapid rotation of...
  • Catalog of Galactic {beta} Cephei stars

    We present an extensive and up-to-date catalog of Galactic {beta} Cephei stars. This catalog is intended to give a comprehensive overview of observational characteristics of all...
  • UBV-beta Database for LS Stars

    (Excerpt from the "intro.txt" file) Between 1959 and 1971, the Hamburg and Warner and Swasey Observatories published a seven-volume survey listing intrinsically luminous stars...
  • S-index and Stroemgren LC of HD30495

    A growing body of evidence suggests that multiple dynamo mechanisms can drive magnetic variability on different timescales, not only in the Sun but also in other stars. Many...
  • Atmospheric parameters for nearby B-F stars

    Age determination is undertaken for nearby early type (BAF) stars, which constitute attractive targets for high-contrast debris disk and planet imaging surveys. Our analysis...
  • The G+M eclipsing binary V530 Orionis photometry

    We report extensive photometric and spectroscopic observations of the 6.1 day period, G+M-type detached double-lined eclipsing binary V530 Ori, an important new benchmark system...
  • SAGA: Stromgren survey of seismic KIC stars

    Asteroseismology has the capability of precisely determining stellar properties that would otherwise be inaccessible, such as radii, masses, and thus ages of stars. When...
  • Stellar diameters. II. K and M-stars

    We present interferometric angular diameter measurements of 21 low-mass, K- and M-dwarfs made with the CHARA Array. This sample is enhanced by adding a collection of radius...
  • HD 192263 radial velocities and photometry

    As part of the Transit Ephemeris Refinement and Monitoring Survey, we present new radial velocities and photometry of the HD 192263 system. Our analysis of the already available...
  • Swift/UVOT observations of SN 2011fe

    We present the earliest ultraviolet (UV) observations of the bright Type Ia supernova SN 2011fe/PTF11kly in the nearby galaxy M101 at a distance of only 6.4 Mpc. It was...
  • Multi-band photometry of GRB 110205A + 110213A

    We present rich, early-time, multiband data sets for two Swift events, GRB 110205A and GRB 110213A. The former shows optical emission since the early stages of the prompt phase,...
  • Flux calibrations and WZ Oph photometry

    Among several EB distance algorithms, direct comparison of observed and theoretical fluxes is particularly straightforward, although it requires absolute flux calibrations for...
  • Stromgren photometry in {omega} Cen

    We present new intermediate-band Stromgren photometry based on more than 300 u, v, b, y images of the Galactic globular cluster {omega} Cen. Optical data were supplemented with...
  • The first Swift UV-Opt GRB afterglow catalog

    We present the first Swift Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope (UVOT) gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglow catalog. The catalog contains data from over 64000 independent UVOT image...
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