29 datasets found

Keywords: military affairs

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  • Vrede en veiligheid 1974

    Membership of political parties, attitude to armament and violence of countries / cold war / NATO / Warsawpact / nuclear weapons / policy of the Netherlands in NATO armament...
  • Navo-enquête 1967

    Opinions and information on NATO / political information / perception of communist threat / opinions on undemocratic NATO members / should the Netherlands remain a member of...
  • Dienstweigeren 1980

    Public opinion on refusal of military service. Opinions on refusal of military service / refusal to serve in UN-army in the Lebanon / refusal to guard nuclear weapons by both...
  • Tekenen voor vrede 1985-1986

    P1182A: representatives of local platforms of the peace movement have been questioned about their organization / area covered by platform / genesis / organizations and persons...
  • Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1982 (DPES/NKO 1982)

    Systematical analysis of change in political opinions and behaviour of the Dutch electorate. Fresh sample and 4th wave: political interest / national problems of importance to...
  • Politieke verkenningen Brandpunt, 1981 : Defensie, minderheden, energie, werk...

    Producing statistics for a KRO-Brandpunt news-reel. Voting behaviour / how is the economic crisis to be controlled / integration of foreigners into Dutch society / contacts with...
  • Vrouw in de Nederlandse krijgsmacht 1979

    Opinions of the Dutch people on the integration of women in the military force. Statements on women in the army, differences with other segments of society / equal rights means...
  • European morale survey 1951

    Opinions and information on the armament of Western Europe / perception of military threat of USSR / USA policy in case of an attack on Western Europe / attitude towards war and...
  • Aggregate dataset Eastern Europe 1970-1980

    Aggregate data of economical, military, demographical, social and political indicators concerning 7 Eastern European communist countries. ( Theme 1: population and society )...
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