Replication data for "Effects of pathogen reproduction system on the evolutio...
R code for reproducing the analysis, results and figures presented in the article Zaffaroni M., Rimbaud L., Rey J-F., Papaïx J. & Fabre F. 2024. Effects of pathogen... -
AMGv2 parameters
Parameters (for plant carbon inputs, exogenous organic matter carbon inputs and soil organic carbon mineralization) related to the AMGv2 model. These parameters are provided by... -
Descriptive variables of 11,004 roots from 69 Pinus pinaster root systems exc...
This data set include 11004 roots from 69 coarse root systems of Pinus pinaster trees. These trees belong from the same local provenance of P. pinaster trees germinated in the... -
Etude 4pour1000 : Données modèle BANCO
Données et sorties du modèle d'allocation coût efficace de l’effort de stockage BANCO -
Modelled gamete fusion numbers in planktonic foraminifera
Reproductive biology is integral to evolutionary processes in organisms, yet gaining detailed insights poses major challenges. Planktonic Foraminifera are globally distributed... -
IGMAS+: Interactive Gravity and Magnetic Application System
IGMAS+ is a software combining 3-D forward and inverse modeling, interactive visualization and interdisciplinary interpretation of potential fields and their applications under... -
IGMAS+: Interactive Gravity and Magnetic Application System
IGMAS+ is a software for 3-D modelling of potential fields and its derivatives under the condition of constraining data and independent information. It comes with tools for... -
IGMAS+: Interactive Gravity and Magnetic Application System
IGMAS+ is a software combining 3-D forward and inverse modeling, interactive visualization and interdisciplinary interpretation of potential fields and their applications under... -
Dataset for: A novel, scenario-based approach to comparing non-pharmaceutical...
This dataset includes all data discussed in the publication "A novel, scenario-based approach to comparing non-pharmaceutical intervention strategies across nations". -
Reconstruction of land-sea DTMs at several geological periods: Example of the...
We present here the methodology used to reconstruct six paleobathymetric and paleotopographic grids for six periods of age (~70, 66-60, ~45, 36-30, ~20, 12-5 Ma) based on the... -
Model code for: A novel, scenario-based approach to comparing non-pharmaceuti...
This model code includes all scripts necessary to reproduce the results of the publication "A novel, scenario-based approach to comparing non-pharmaceutical... -
pH Responsive Polymer Blend Surfaces
Polymers, end-functionalised with carboxylic acid (COOH) groups do not normally segregate to film surfaces due to the high surface energy of these functionalities. However, we... -
Nanophase separation in monolayers of stratum corneum mixtures
There is considerable effort being put into the modelling of the outer layer of skin, the stratum corneum, because of impending EU restrictions on the use of animal skin for... -
Vibrational Dynamics of Alkali Silicate Glasses - An Isotopic Mass Contrast S...
The present proposal is part of a larger EPSRC project advancing the vibrational spectroscopy of silicate glasses. The project involves the techniques of IR and Raman... -
High-pressure and variable-temperature studies of RDX
Previous studies have suggested that a high-pressure form of the widely used secondary explosive RDX can be obtained above ~4 GPa and 488 K. This phase is reported to be... -
Diffraction peak shape and polycrystalline plasticity modelling
We propose to exploit the high resolution and well defined peak shape on HRPD to measure the evolution of peak profile shape at the early stages of deformation in stainless... -
Continuation of Proposal (RB820197): The elasto-plastic response of dual-phas...
In the current proposal we propose to test Zr-2.5Nb samples cut at a range of angles (0, 22.5, 45, 67.5 and 90°) in the RD-TD plane in in-situ compression at room temperature.... -
In situ study of stainless steel martensitic transformation at cryogenic temp...
The mechanical properties of of austenitic stainless steels are thought to be improved by the phenomenon of deformation-induced martensitic transformation, which acts to... -
SSHOC - National Gallery - Raphael Research Resource CIDOC CRM Mapped Dataset
In 2007 the Raphael Research Resource project began to examine how complex conservation, scientific and art historical research could be combined in a flexible digital... -
Data publication: Code for performing simulations on the evolutionary stabili...
This is the supplementary material for the submission of "Heterogenous and continuous resource distribution promote diversity in territorial behavior." to the journal...