200 datasets found

Keywords: radio

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  • Erfgoed van de Oorlog, Bystander Memories, interview RG-50.570.0002

    In dit interview spreekt de geïnterviewde, een voormalige politieagent, over zijn werk in Amsterdam tijdens de Duitse bezetting. Hij vertelt hoe hij als jongen afkomstig uit...
  • Mediatijdbestedingsonderzoek 2015 - MTBO2015

    Media:Tijd 2015 (MTBO2015) is een tijdbestedingsonderzoek (via dagboekmeting) met de focus op media. Alle grote dagelijkse activiteiten worden op hoofdlijnen in kaart gebracht,...
  • Mediatijdbestedingsonderzoek 2018 - MTBO2018

    Media:Tijd 2018 (MTBO2018) is een tijdbestedingsonderzoek (via dagboekmeting) met de focus op media. Alle grote dagelijkse activiteiten worden op hoofdlijnen in kaart gebracht,...
  • Mediatijdbestedingsonderzoek 2013 - MTBO2013

    Media:Tijd 2013 (MTBO2013) is een tijdbestedingsonderzoek (via dagboekmeting) met de focus op media. Alle grote dagelijkse activiteiten worden op hoofdlijnen in kaart gebracht,...
  • Mediatijdbestedingsonderzoek 2018 - MTBO2018 (v1)

    Media:Tijd 2018 (MTBO2018) is een tijdbestedingsonderzoek (via dagboekmeting) met de focus op media. Alle grote dagelijkse activiteiten worden op hoofdlijnen in kaart gebracht,...
  • Apertif DR Bootes - Mosaic

    Apertif is a phased-array feed system for the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT), providing forty instantaneous beams over 300 MHz of bandwidth. This data release...
  • Apertif DR Bootes - Catalogue

    Apertif is a phased-array feed system for the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT), providing forty instantaneous beams over 300 MHz of bandwidth. This data release...
  • Svenskt medieutbud 2012

    The study "Swedish TV supply" is conducted annually since 1998. Since 2012, except for the TV channels SVT1, SVT2, Barnkanalen (the Children Channel), SVT24, Kunskapskanalen...
  • Svenskt medieutbud 2013

    The study "Swedish TV supply" is conducted annually since 1998. Since 2012, except for the TV channels SVT1, SVT2, Barnkanalen (the Children Channel), SVT24, Kunskapskanalen...
  • Svenskt medieutbud 2015

    The study "Swedish TV supply" is conducted annually since 1998. Since 2012, except for the TV channels SVT1, SVT2, Barnkanalen (the Children Channel), SVT24, Kunskapskanalen...
  • Född i Stockholm på femtiotalet

    The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study (SBC) was created in 2004/2005 by a probability matching of two anonymized longitudinal datasets; The Stockholm Metropolitan study and The...
  • Apparatbestånd på mediesidan i hemmen 1977

    This survey forms part of the project ´Massmedieutveckling under 80-talet´. For each kind of equipment the respondent was asked about number of devices, year of purchase and...
  • Mediebarometern 1981

    The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The purpose is to explore how the Swedish population is using different...
  • City 103

    This survey deals with radio listening, with special emphasis given to local broadcastings, and especially the local radio channel City 103. This channel is owned by the Swedish...
  • Medievalundersökningen 1979 - Nyhetsanalysen

    This study of the political contents in press, radio and television was carried out within the research projects 'Mass media and the electorate' and 'Swedish election campaign'...
  • Medievalundersökningen folkomröstningen 1980 - Nyhetsanalysen

    This is the second study of the political contents in press, radio and television within the research projects ´Mass media and the electorate´ and ´Swedish election campaign´...
  • Medievalundersökningen 1982 - Nyhetsanalysen

    This is the third study of the political contents in press, radio and television within the research projects ´Mass media and the electorate´ and ´Swedish election campaign´ and...
  • Medievalundersökningen 1985 - Nyhetsanalysen

    This is the fourth study of the political contents in press, radio and television within the research projects ´Mass media and the electorate´, ´Swedish election campaign´ and...
  • Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 1989

    This dataset contains information from the fourth SOM-survey. The questionnaire was divided into seven subject fields: mass media; politics and society; energy, nuclear power...
  • Medievalundersökningen 1988

    This is the fifth study of the political contents in press, radio and television within the research projects ´Mass media and the electorate´, ´Swedish election campaign´ and...
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