Neutron diffraction studies of nano-diamond particles
Nano-diamond particles are synthesised by detonation of TNT and Hexogen, resulting in a shockwave which produces diamond nanoparticles with an average size of around 5 nm,... -
Magnetic order in two pyrochlore iridates
Iridium oxides are of interest because many novel magnetic phases have been predicted in crystals, depending on the geometry of the crystal lattice. Our proposal concerns two... -
Cation coordination and oxide ion vacancy distribution in tetravalent substit...
Oxide ion conductors based on bismuth oxide based have recently been demonstrated as viable alternatives to traditional electrolytes for intermediate temperature solid oxide... -
Structures of Titanium Dioxide Nanomaterials using Neutron Total Scattering
We propose to examine the structure of anatase titanium dioxide (TiO2) obtained by different synthetic techniques (including hydrothermal and sol-gel) and of different particle... -
Unusual polymorphism in sodalites
We have recently observed extraordinary polymorphism on cooling various sodalites under vacuum. Materials undergo a phase transition followed by a fully reversible...