Investigation of phase diagrams of polysaccharides
This project concerns fundamental and strategically important research underlying the development of new drug delivery vehicles. We propose to sample phase diagram of... -
Simultaneous Conductivity-Diffraction Studies of Halide Superionics
We request 5 days beamtime on the Polaris diffractometer to perform simultaneous ionic conductivity and neutron powder diffraction measurements of five superionic binary... -
Test experiment: Neutron diffraction on helium in silica
We request 3 days of beamtime on GEM to attempt to perform neutron diffraction on helium inside vitreous SiO2. Significant amounts of helium can be dissolved into the glass... -
A determination of CO2 molecule sites for CO2 adsorbed K2x/3Cu(Fe(CN)6)2/3 wi...
Prussian blue analogues (PBAs) have attracted broad attention for various applications because they are relatively cheap, environmentally friendly and can easily be scaled-up.... -
Microstructural characterization of Etruscan mirrors
The present proposal concerns the archaemetallurgical investigation of Etruscan mirrors. TOF-ND, NRCA and transmission measurements (Bragg edge) will be carried out on INES in... -
Set up HELIOC Fly-Path
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Structure and mobility of surfactant additives in PDMS resin
Polysiloxane materials are commonly used in marine coatings due to their inherently low surface energy and flexibility which makes them suitable base materials for foul release... -
Magnetic Order in the Pyrochlore Phase of Gd2Zr2O7
Along with the titanate and stannate materials, Gadolinium Zirconate, Gd2Zr2O7, makes up a series of model pyrochlore systems characterized by a Heisenberg antiferromagnetic... -
Superconducting Gap Structure of Single Crystals Organic Superconductor lambd...
The quasi-2-dimensional organic superconductor lambda-(BETS)2GaCl4 is one of the key materials in strongly correlated systems because of the distinct geometrical structure of... -
W/CO2 nanodispersions as an energy-saving nanoreactor separable by pressure a...
Recent studies implied an unusual headgroup (HG)-free, fluorocarbon (FC) surfactant Nohead FC6-HC4 to form stable, W/CO2 nanodispersions (W/C NDs). With the unusual surfactant... -
Investigation of crack nucleation in superalloys using advanced neutron methods
It is proposed that crack nucleation will be investigated at ISIS using the EnginX beam line with the IMAT imaging detector. Notched LCF specimens with varying materials and Kt... -
Crystal Structure of Proton-conducting Double doped Perovskite BaZr0.5In0.25Y...
Considerable effort is currently given to investigate proton conducting electrolyte materials for intermediate temperature range (200-500 °C) fuel cells (ITFCs). This proposal... -
Magnetic properties of graphene
Magnetic properties of graphitic compounds are of current interest for both theoretical and experimental research in the fields of condensed matter physics and magnetism. In the...