Database on bending response and geometry of normal and pathological mouse fe...
This database is related to the following article : "A preliminary study exploring the mechanical properties of normal and Mgp-deficient mouse femurs during early growth",... -
Replication Data for: Body- and movement-oriented interventions for PTSD: a s...
Title: Body- and movement-oriented interventions for posttraumatic stress disorder: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Authors: Minke M. van de Kamp (1), Mia... -
Replication Data for: An automated method to determine the performance of Dro...
The locomotor performance of Drosophila is automatically determined in a temperature-controlled arena that produces fast and accurate temperature changes in time and space. The... -
Organ-specific learning curves of sonographers performing first-trimester ana...
Introduction: First-trimester anatomical screening (FTAS) by ultrasound has been introduced in many countries as screening for aneuploidies, but also as early screening for... -
Dataset bevat gegevens over 15 clusters van huishoudtypen met stapeling. Bijgevoegde documentatie (achtergrond document en leeswijzer) bevat meer informatie. -
Citation analysis of the published literature on the association between swim...
Citation analysis of the published literature on the association between swimming in chlorinated water and childhood asthma -
Dataset: Three weeks of wheelchair racing propulsion practice in able-bodied ...
The current dataset belongs to a manuscript titled "Evolution of wheelchair racing propulsion technique over three weeks of wheeling practice on an instrumented ergometer in... -
codering Linking Zin_behoefte aanbod aansluiting zingeving in thuissituatie
De resultaten van de analyse van de social mapping van actieonderzoek Linking-Zin. -
Ethical and legal issues of personalised medicine (ELSI-PM)
This database contains data from the ZonMW funded Consortium "Ethical and legal issues of personalised medicine (ELSI-PM)" (2018-2020). 1) General: project description; 2) WP1... -
Citation Network Analysis on epidemiological research on Bisphenol A
This protocol describes the methodology of the citation network analysis that is performed on the epidemiological literature on bisphenol A. -
Supplementary materials for "Health system responsiveness to the mental healt...
Background: Syrian refugees have a high burden of mental health symptoms and face challenges in accessing mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS). This study assesses... -
Data for "The Genomics of Circadian Timing in a Wild Bird, the Great Tit (Par...
Input data for the "The Genomics of Circadian Timing in a Wild Bird, the Great Tit (Parus major)" publication -
WIN Werkplaats INstrument project ; de ontwikkeling van een (zelf)beoordeling...
Het doel van het WIN-project was de ontwikkeling van een instrumentarium voor de beoordeling van de kwaliteit van de samenwerking binnen professionele werkplaatsen (PW). In het... -
Leiden University : data management for LACDR PhD's
Educational materials used in the course 'Data management for LACDR PhD's', Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands -
Femoral heads
Bone marrow aspirates of 50 non-malignant cases, 25 MDS patients and 50 AML patients were subjected to ten-color/twelve-parameter flow cytometry for the analysis of the Ki-67... -
Music perception in early-deafened, late-implanted cochlear implant users
Music appreciation and music perception in early-deafened, late-implanted cochlear implant users -
Replication Data for: "Single-cell T-cell Receptor sequencing of paired human...
These are the single-cell TCR sequencing (scTCRseq) on human carotid artery plaques from the Athero-Express Biobank Study as used after quality control in the paper referenced... -
Replication Data for: Plantar Intrinsic Foot Muscle Activation during Functio...
The data consist of raw and filtered non-invasive electromyography (EMG) data of 4 foot muscles while foot exercises are performed by non-symptomatic younger adults. The data... -
Replication Data for: Transcriptomic-based clustering of human atheroscleroti...
Background These data are used in this paper by Mokry et al. Abstract Histopathological studies have revealed key processes of atherosclerotic plaque thrombosis. However, the... -
Catalogus Zorgen door corona Stressoren en beschermende factoren van het med...
In deze catalogus worden de stressoren en beschermende factoren van ‘Zorgen door corona’ besproken aan de hand van drie welzijnsindicatoren zijnde arbeidstevredenheid,...