Ross Ice Shelf Cavity Ocean Data
Here we provide data from the Ross Ice Shelf ocean cavity. Location - The HWD2 Camp was established in October of 2017 at 80o 39.497’S, 174o 27.678’E where the ice is moving... -
ELISA (1997-1998) mesoscale survey in the Algerian sub-basin (Western Mediter...
The Eddies and Leddies Interdisciplinary Study in the Algerian sub-basin (ELISA) experiment (1997–1998) was a multidisciplinary and multiplatform experiment designed to study... -
ELISA (1997-1998) mesoscale survey in the Algerian sub-basin (Western Mediter...
The Eddies and Leddies Interdisciplinary Study in the Algerian sub-basin (ELISA) experiment (1997–1998) was a multidisciplinary and multiplatform experiment designed to study... -
ELISA (1997-1998) mesoscale survey in the Algerian sub-basin (Western Mediter...
The Eddies and Leddies Interdisciplinary Study in the Algerian sub-basin (ELISA) experiment (1997–1998) was a multidisciplinary and multiplatform experiment designed to study...