gut microbiome response to helminth infection
The host microbiome differed between infected and uninfected fish, but the magnitude of this difference depended on both host sex and genotype. -
Monitoring of disease and treatment-induced alterations in the salmon gut mic...
The present study aims to describe, with 16S DNA metabarcoding, the distal gut microbiota of a captive-reared population of juvenile Atlantic salmon (approx. one-year-old) with... -
Microbiome analysis of ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis infected with Flavobacteri...
Microbiome plays an important role in the host organisms. In oder to reveal their role in fish, ayu was infected with Flavobacterium psychrophilum which causes bacterial cold... -
Differences in intestinal microorganism of mandarin fish with different toler...
To explore the role of intestinal microorganisms in the ability of mandarin fish to tolerate carbohydrate diet -
grass carp microbiome intestine Raw sequence reads
grass carp microbiome intestine Raw sequence reads -
HoloFood Salmon Trial A+B Gut Metatranscriptome
Metatranscriptomic raw reads from Holofood salmon gut samples from trial A and B. -
Intestinal microbial scequencing of zebrafish
Diets have a more dominate role in regulating microbial composition than host genetics in zebrafish. -
Intestinal muscous and chyme microbiota in turbot Scophthalmus maximus
This study aimed to investigate the effect of fish protein hydrolysate on intestinal microbiota of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). -
Gut microbiota of perch Raw sequence reads
Microbial diversity of gut microbiota of perch (Perca fluviatilis) -
Impact of feed-administered florfenicol on Atlantic Salmon gut and its microb...
Although concerns about the impacts of antibiotics in aquatic organisms are reported worldwide, the potential adverse effects on fish gut microbial communities and fish health... -
carp gut Raw sequence reads
carp gut microbe -
Genome-resolved characterization of structure and potential functions of the ...
Recovery of microbial genomes from the zebrafish gut microbiome assembly -
The Gut Microbiome of the Wild Baltic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Parr: Metagenom...
The gut content microbiome of the wild Baltic salmon (a sub-population of the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar) parr, was first analyzed/using microbial profiling and high taxonomic... -
The studies of microbial diversity on grass carp gut
Effect of LECT2-b on the gut microbial diversity of grass carp -
High throughput sequencing of intestinal 16SrDNA of ammonia-N stressed Microp...
High throughput sequencing of intestinal 16SrDNA of Micropterus salmoides after ammonia-nitrogen stress -
Microbiota of intestinal content Metagenome
Gut microbiota of zebra fish (Danio rerio) subjected by polyphenols -
fish gut, food and water microbiota
microbial development of fish gut -
Gene expression remodelling and immune response during adaptation to new envi...
Sequencing data to characterize gene expression and correlate it with habitat differences and immune response. -
A meta-taxonomic analysis of posterior gut microbiota of Cirrhinus mrigala un...
The goal of this research is to learn how the fish gut microbiota changes in response to DO2 stress and how this shift in microbial population may reduce the population of... -
Comparison of next-generation sequencing methods for catfish bacterial microb...
Compared 3 different 16S rRNA sequencing protocols (two nanopore sequencing protocols targeting full length 16S rRNA gene and Illumina MiSeq on V4 region) for bacterial...