Dynamical Transitions in the Ogg Glasses
We request 4 days on IRIS to study the temperature dependance of the structural dynamics in amorphous sodium-ammonia (Na-NH3). This will be the first investigation of the... -
Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering of Green Dioptase to Unravel the Motion of t...
Green dioptase is a naturally occurring mineral, that has a deep green colour, similar to that of an emerald, and with a chemical formula of CuSiO3.H2O. The Cu lies in quasi-1D... -
Effect of Temperature on Coordination of Small Rotor-Molecules Within Micropo...
We request five days on TOSCA to study the partial phonon density of states of ammonia absorbed within two zeolitic materials. This work is a continuation of our previous INS... -
Investigation of the Dynamic Mechanism of Reflectin Color Change by QENS
Reflectin, so named because of its high refractive index, is a protein expressed exclusively in cephalopods and forms reflectors responsible for dynamic iridescence and... -
QENS studies of the interaction of propene with ZSM-5
Fluidised Catalytic Cracking (FCC) units are one of the major conversion units in modern petrochemical refineries. ZSM-5 additives are used in FCC units to convert gasoline... -
Inelastic neutron scattering of deep glassy ice VI
Water displays a highly complex phase diagram that is key to a range of critical processes. Using ISIS facilities, our group has discovered three new phases of ice and most... -
Quasi-elastic neutron study of the organic cation dynamics in the halide pero...
Solar cells based on a layer of halide perovskite have recently seen rapid increases in efficiency, with certified values in excess of 20%. The prototypical material of this...