Dynamic spin correlation length in the hedgehog spin vortex phase and superco...
Magnetism is believed to play an important role in many quantum phenomena such as superconductivity and nematicity in iron-based superconductors. One of the signatures is that... -
Origin of the spin pseudogap in a Ni-doped Heisenberg AF spin-1/2 chain
Heisenberg antiferromagnetic (HAF) S = ½ chains are famous for their gapless magnetic excitation spectrum. Interestingly, in SrCuO2 and Sr2CuO3, which are some of the best... -
Incommensurate magnetic fluctuation in KFe2As2 at high energy
We clearly observed incommensurate (IC) magnetic excitation in KFe2As2 above Tc with Ei=80 mev on ARCS at ORNL. Though we got beam time at LET, we wish to see how the IC changes... -
Inelastic Neutron Scattering study on new tetragonal compound Ce2PdGe3
Cerium-based Kondo lattice compounds have received great attention, owing mostly to the variety of exotic ground states that they exhibit (e.g., unconventional... -
Study of phonon density of states in PGEC titanate thermoelectrics
To understand the thermal conductivity suppression within PGEC titanate oxide thermoelectrics we hope to complement theoretical calculations performed on several perovskites... -
Spin-orbit transitions in CoV3O8
Strong orbital mixing resulting from local distortions in the crystal field can mix higher energy orbital states with the ground state. We propose to characterise this mixing in... -
Spin excitations in frustrated rare-earth tripod Kagome magnets
Exotic ordering phenomena resulting from magnetic frustration continue to attract attention as newtypes of frustrated compounds emerge. A very recent development in this field... -
Inelastic magnetic excitations in NaFe0.95Co0.05As (Tc~17 K)
Though NaFeAs shares the same crystallographic structure with LiFeAs, there are many different aspects between them. We would like to compare the magnetic excitation in it with... -
Spin-orbit transitions in Co2V2O7
We propose to investigate the magnetic fluctuations and spin-orbit transitions in Co2V2O7. This material is structurally related to CoV2O6 which displays cascading magnetization... -
Determination of the ligand field parameters of holmium bisphthalocyanine sin...
We aim to determine the ligand field parameters of the [HoPc2]¿ complex belonging to the family of lanthanide double decker (Ln=Dy3+,Ho3+,Tb3+) single-molecule magnets (SMM),... -
Testing effectiveness of new oscillating radial collimator on Merlin using Mn...
This dataset has no description
Quantum spin dynamics in molecular based triangular antiferromagnet Li2AMo3O8...
Recently new molecular based magnets Li2AMo3O8 (A = In and Sc), where Mo3O8 clusters form S = 1/2 triangular lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet, were synthesized.... -
Vibrational Dynamics of Alkali Silicate Glasses - An Isotopic Mass Contrast S...
The present proposal is part of a larger EPSRC project advancing the vibrational spectroscopy of silicate glasses. The project involves the techniques of IR and Raman... -
The effect of sodium ordering on rattling modes in sodium cobaltate
NaxCoO2 has exceptional thermoelectric properties, including low thermal conductivity, and it is currently under consideration for use in power recovery applications and as a... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study on new Mott-insulating oxychalcogenides, L...
La2O2M2OSe2 (M=Fe, Co, Mn) are layered Mott-insulating antiferromagnets with a potential to be a non-copper high-Tc superconductor. All compounds have shown unusual magnetic... -
Magnetic excitations in mesoporous hematite
We have recently prepared mesoporous forms of various metals oxides. In some cases the imposition of a mesostructure changes other properties of the material significantly. One... -
Spin excitations in RbFe2F6 and CsFe2F6 A possible S=5/2 Kagome lattice?
Geometrically frustrated spin systems are important owing to the fact that the geometry often suppresses conventional mean field ground states in favor of more unconventional... -
INS study of double perovskite at the border between two and three dimensiona...
Sr2CuWO6 is a double perovskite at the border between two and three dimensional magnetism, with a square lattice of S=1⁄2 Cu(II) ions. This proposal aims to use inelastic... -
Exploring magnetic frustration in a square-lattice metallic system: spin fluc...
Spin liquid is a novel phenomena that can arise due to magnetic frustration. Magnetic frustration occurs if the competing interactions cannot be mutually satisfied, giving rise... -
Investigating the excitation spectrum of a single-band Hubbard model compound...
The single band Hubbard model is considerably the simplest effective model that includes both the delocalizing/hopping energy and the on-site interaction for describing strongly...