Understanding the decomposition of ammonia by lithium-calcium imide
Among light metal amide-imide catalysts for ammonia decomposition, lithium-calcium imide is the most promising candidate for practical application. Ex situ diffraction data... -
Structure and Phase Transitions of XNbOP2O7, with X = ND4 and Rb
In this proposal we request 3 days of beam time on HRPD to study the structure and phase transitions of XNbOP2O7 (X = Rb and ND4). These materials have been shown to undergo... -
The crystal structure and thermal expansion of orthorhombic NiSi
NiSi is a technologically important material that is also of interest to Earth Scientists because of the possible role of Ni and Si in the Earth¿s core. It crystallises in the... -
Structural phase transitions in Li doped AgNbO3.
The aims of the present proposal are twofold. Firstly to use very high resolution neutron diffraction data to establish accurate and precise structures of the novel... -
The Interaction of Ammonia with Binary and Ternary Nitrides
We request 2 days on GEM in conjunction with the IGAn apparatus to investigate the formation of lithium amide (LiNH2) from the interaction of Li3N with ammonia (ND3), and the... -
In-situ investigation of nitrogenation process of (Nd,Zr)Fe10Si2 alloys
Tetragonal R(Fe,M)12 compounds (R=rare earth, M transition metal or Si), with the ThMn12 structure, are good candidates as permanent magnet materials with reduced R content.... -
Thermoelastic Properties of Thermoelectric PbSe I HRPD
We propose to study the effect of pressure and temperature on the crystal structure and the elastic properties of lead selenide, an important material for conversion of waste... -
First experiment with a pulsed field magnet at ISIS or how to break the 15T b...
We propose to use a pulsed magnet system tried and tested at several neutron and synchrotron facilities in conjunction with the new high flux diffractometer WISH to perform the... -
A high-temperature neutron powder determination of the phase transition and c...
Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) is a solar cell material of great interest. However the material when fabricated, although of high symmetry, contains substantial defect concentration and a...