Radiosonde PS25/10141 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-IX/2 on 1993-06-01 06:42h
Height of tropopause 8268 m, precipitable water content 0.5961 cm -
Radiosonde PS25/10140 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-IX/2 on 1993-05-31 10:30h
Height of tropopause 9314 m, precipitable water content 0.6535 cm -
Radiosonde PS25/10139 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-IX/2 on 1993-05-30 10:31h
Height of tropopause 9960 m, precipitable water content 0.5217 cm -
Radiosonde PS25/10138 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-IX/2 on 1993-05-28 10:32h
Height of tropopause 9844 m, precipitable water content 0.528 cm -
Radiosonde PS25/10137 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-IX/2 on 1993-05-27 10:35h
Height of tropopause 9947 m, precipitable water content 0.6077 cm -
Radiosonde PS25/10136 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-IX/2 on 1993-05-26 10:37h
Height of tropopause 9854 m, precipitable water content 0.6611 cm -
Radiosonde PS25/10135 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-IX/2 on 1993-05-25 10:32h
Height of tropopause 8501 m, precipitable water content 0.535 cm -
Radiosonde PS25/10134 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-IX/2 on 1993-05-24 10:30h
Height of tropopause 10393 m, precipitable water content 0.6233 cm -
Radiosonde PS25/10133 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-IX/2 on 1993-05-23 10:30h
Height of tropopause 7487 m, precipitable water content 0.4978 cm -
Radiosonde PS25/10132 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-IX/2 on 1993-05-22 10:33h
Height of tropopause 10120 m, precipitable water content 1.0996 cm -
Radiosonde PS25/10131 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-IX/2 on 1993-05-20 10:44h
Height of tropopause 11869 m, precipitable water content 0.8553 cm -
Radiosonde PS25/10130 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-IX/2 on 1993-05-19 10:37h
Height of tropopause 11967 m, precipitable water content 1.7582 cm -
Radiosonde PS25/10129 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-IX/2 on 1993-05-18 10:35h
Height of tropopause 11640 m, precipitable water content 1.8441 cm -
Radiosonde PS25/10128 during POLARSTERN cruise ARK-IX/2 on 1993-05-17 11:14h
Height of tropopause 11515 m, precipitable water content 1.877 cm -
Susceptibility of surface sediments of the Nordic Seas
Please note: Lat/Long of POS137 Events was slightly corrected on 2020-07-30. Longitude of POS146/1 Events were corrected on 2023-11-14 -
Magnetic susceptibility and ice-rafted debris in surface sediments of the Nor...
Magnetic susceptibility and ice-rafted debris of surface sediments in the Nordic Seas were investigated to reconstruct source areas and recent transport pathways of magnetic... -
Occurrences of macrobenthic peracarid crustacean species collected from epibe...
This dataset is a component of the PAN-Arctic data collection of benthic BIOtas (PANABIO) and has been collated during the Census of Marine Life project Arctic Ocean Diversity... -
Abundance of nematoda genera on the Northeast Greenland shelf sediments colle...
Samples were collected between May and August 1993 with US Coast Gard vessel Polar Sea and RV Polarstern. Multicorers were deployed within the Northeast Water (NEW) Polynya, and... -
Station list and links to master tracks in different resolutions of POLARSTER...
This dataset has no description
Sea-bed photographs (benthos) along profile PS25/099-2
ROV (sprint 103) equiped with 36mm still and two viedo cameras. Still photographs: Kodak Ektachrome 100; Nikon super coolscan 4000ED; JPEG compression.