CODA cetacean sightings on tracker platform of vessel surveys 2007
The Cetacean Offshore Distribution and Abundance in the European Atlantic (CODA) project estimated the abundance and investigated the habitat use of cetacean species in waters... -
Spatial Ecological Analysis of Megavertebrate Populations
The Spatial Ecological Analysis of Marine Megavertebrate Populations (SEAMAP) initiative, a node of the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS), has developed a digital... -
Cetaceans sightings from shore 2010-2016
Collecting data regarding sightings of the Black Sea cetacean at the Romanian coast. -
Marine Turtles
Sightings and strandings of both dead and alive marine turtles in the British Isles and the Republic of Ireland. -
CODA cetacean sightings on primary platform of vessel surveys 2007
The Cetacean Offshore Distribution and Abundance in the European Atlantic (CODA) project estimated the abundance and investigated the habitat use of cetacean species in waters... -
Cetacean coordinated transborder monitoring using ferries as platforms of obs...
Within the framework of the ACCOBAMS agreement, a partnership of Italian and Tunisian research bodies is investigating the presence of cetaceans, and the relationship with... -
POPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Seabird sightings in the Azor...
Recorded sightings of seabirds close to the boat and/or interacting with the tuna fishing, while capturing the tunas. -
Seasearch Crawfish, <i>Palinurus elephas</i>, Surveys
This survey was carried out to gather information regarding the numbers and distribution of Crawfish throughout Britain and Ireland. The dataset consists of records of sightings... -
POPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Sea bird sightings in the Azo...
Sightings (snap shots) of sea birds collected by Biosphere Expeditions collaborators specifically for POPA. Since 2004 that Biosphere Expeditions (www.biosphere-expeditions.org)... -
Green Balkans NGO's cetacean strandings on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast
<p>Cetaceans' strandings along Bulgarian Black Sea coast compiled and recorded within Green Balkans NGO's Cetacean Monitoring and Conservation Program.</p> -
OCEAMM harbor porpoise sightings in the North Sea
In this study, systematic surveys were conducted to document the distribution of the harbor porpoise observed in the English Channel (North Sea, France). -
SEAPOP (SEAbird POPulations) is a long-term monitoring and mapping programme for Norwegian seabirds that was established in 2005. The programme represents a new initiative for... -
Cetacean coordinated transborder monitoring using ferries as platforms of obs...
Within the framework of the ACCOBAMS agreement a partnership of Italian and Tunisian research bodies is investigating the presence of cetacean, and the relationship with... -
POPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Seabird sightings in the Azor...
Sightings of birds were recorded daily, at 6 different fixed periods (snap shots), when the boat was in navigation or search mode. -
RISC and ALERT Marine Non-Native Species (Chinese Mitten Crab, Wakame and Car...
Recording Invasive Species Counts (RISC) alongside ALERT was launched in 2010 and includes on-line recording for 19 species including the Chinese Mitten Crab <i>Eriocheir... -
SCANS II cetacean sightings on primary platform of vessel surveys 2005
The European Union (EU) Habitats Directive requires Member States to monitor and maintain at favourable conservation status those species identified to be in need of protection,... -
Acquario di Genova, Delfini Metropolitani Project, cetacean sightings 2001-2009
Delfini Metropolitani is a long term research project of Acquario di Genova to study the ecology of cetaceans and, in particular, of bottlenose dolphins (<i>Tursiops... -
Cetaceans sightings by boat 2010-2016
Collecting data regarding sightings of the Black Sea cetacean at the Romanian coast. -
Green Balkans cetacean strandings on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast
Cetacean strandings on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast in 2010. -
Incidental sightings of marine mammals
Data on incidental sightings of cetaceans reported to the Institute of Marine Research by letter or telephone, as well as information from newspapers, have been collected since...