53 datasets found

Keywords: Benthic fauna

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  • Mediterranean Ocean Biodiversity Information System

    The Mediterranean Ocean Biodiversity Information System (MedOBIS) is a distributed system that allows you to search multiple datasets simultaneously for biogeographic...
  • Occhipinti dataset

    This dataset was compiled in order to monitor long-term responses of the macrobenthos community to the environmental quality changes in the Northern Adriatic Sea
  • LBMRev

    The primary aim for this data collection was to built a database and to apply GIS techniques in the Gulf of Trieste and North Adriatic Sea
  • N3 data of Kiel bay

    Long term monitoring of all invertebrate species of station N3 in Kiel Bay in the Western Baltic was performed from between 1986 ad 2004.
  • Fauna Bentonica

    This data collected in the framework of a PhD thesis were collected between 1934 and 1936. Scientists from the Hellenic Centre of Marine Research computed the dataset afterwards...
  • Benthos Gironde Estuary

    The data is the integration of three different subdatasets i.e. the impact of dredging on benthic macrofauna (1979 data), comparison of macrobenthos between major European tidal...
  • Benthic fauna around Franz Josef Land

    Benthic fauna in the Franz-Josef Land was mapped in August 1992 by Akvaplan-niva
  • Benthic Fauna in the Barents Sea

    Benthic fauna in the Nothern Barents Sea was mapped in July 1992 by Akvaplan-niva
  • Benthos Cretan Continental Shelf

    This dataset is part of a national project on the consequences of the Navarino Oil spill, in 1994 at the Gialova Lagoon, Ionian Sea. The Cretan coasts were studied from May...
  • Polish Arctic Marine Programme

    This represents data on Benthic fauna, Food webs and the littoral zone from the Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Oceanology, taken between 1981 - 1985 from 60 stations...
  • Benthic fauna in the Pechora Sea

    Benthic fauna in the Pechora Sea was mapped in July 1992 by Akvaplan-niva
  • BIS dataset of the south-western part of Netherlands (1985-2004)

    This CD contains part of the data from the Benthos Information system, the database of the Monitor Task-group of the NIOO.
  • Mediterranean Ocean Biodiversity Information System

    The Mediterranean Ocean Biodiversity Information System (MedOBIS) is a distributed system that allows you to search multiple datasets simultaneously for biogeographic...
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