Benthos monitoring in the intertidal mudflats of Pertuis-Charentais (Bay of B...
Benthos-Pertuis-Charentais is a spatially explicit benthic database, comprising 11 years of benthic data. It is the result of intensive benthic sampling that has been conducted... -
Benthos data collected in the Black Sea during the Leg 2 EROS Cruise in 1997
The dataset comprises data on the substrate type, temperature, salinity and benthos from 21 samples colected in NW Black Sea in the period 9-24 May 1997. Benthos samples have... -
Historical benthos data from the Romanian Black Sea Coast between 1954 and 1968
The dataset comprises data on the substrate type, temperature, salinity and benthos from 567 samples colected in Romanian Black Sea Shelf, in the period 16.04.1954 - 14.02.1968.... -
MAREANO - Base-line mapping of hyperbenthic crustacea fauna obtained with RP-...
Hyperbenthic decanted crustacea collected with Rothlisberg-Piercy sledge, hauls 5-10 min bottomtime. All samples after 2012 are preserved on board in ethanol. Taxa identified as... -
Benthos from Karkinitsky Gulf (Black Sea)
Abundance and Biomass of soft-bottom benthos from Karkinitsky gulf (North-Western Crimea, The Black Sea, Ukraine) for period within 1980-1989 -
Historical benthos data from the Romanian Black Sea Coast between 1959 and 1961
The dataset comprises data on the substrate type, temperature, salinity and benthos from 77 samples colected in 3 fixed points (P1 - 44.2357 Lat. N, 28.6288 Long. E, depth - 1.5...