(Appendix II) Alkenones and SST reconstruction for sediment core MD99-2269
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Biomarker and sea surface temperature reconstruction for sediment cores MD01-...
Data previously published in Martrat et al. (2007). A composite section was created by splicing Cores MD01-2444 and MD01-2443 together at ~194 ka. The splice tie point... -
(Table S1) Sea surface temperature estimation for sediment core MD01-2444
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(Table S2) Sea surface temperature estimation for ODP Hole 161-977A
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(Table 2) Concentration of long chained alkenones and alkenes in seawater sam...
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A 1 Ma record of Sea Surface Temperature and extreme cooling events in the No...
Sea Surface Temperature recontrution on site U1385 -
(Fig. 1D, 3E) Sea surface temperature and alkenone C37:4 for sediment core MD...
Past glacials can be thought of as natural experiments in which variations in boundary conditions influenced the character of climate change. However, beyond the last glacial,... -
Impact of salinity and growth phase on alkenone distributions in coastal hapt...
Batch cultures of Isochrysis galbana (strain CCMP 1323) and Chrysotila lamellosa (strain CCMP 1307) were grown at salinity ca. 10 to ca. 35 and the alkenone distributions... -
Sea surface temperatures, alkenones and sedimentation rate from ODP Hole 161-...
A continuous high-resolution Western Mediterranean sea surface temperature (SST) alkenone record spanning the past 250,000 years shows that abrupt changes were more common at... -
C37:4 data from IODP Site 339-U1385
2020-05-18: Correction of depth values to meter (multiplication of prior values by 100), parameter set to "DEPTH, sediment/rock" (corrected revised meters composite depth);...