The EVE Pilot: Usage Data from an Electric Car in France
This dataset contains the usage data of a single electric car collected in as part of the EVE study (Enquête des Vehicles Electrique) run by the Observatoire du Transition... -
The Digitised Dataset of Slovenian Folk Song Ballads
Slovenian Folk Song Ballads 404 Slovenian folk song ballads with family themes, collected between the years 1819 and 1995. This dataset is an archive of the “Slovenian Folk Song... -
Data for Pattern Matching and Parameter Identification for Parametric Timed R...
The reproducibility package of the HSCC 2023 version is in "hscc_ptre-main.zip". The pdf version of the HSCC 2023 paper can also be found in the same zip file. The new examples... -
Multi-vehicles dataset with Spoofing of GNSS position
Dataset Overview This project contains the dataset collected from the Renault Zoe demonstrator vehicles, part of the PRETIL platform, which belongs to the CRIStAL laboratory... -
Sylvaccess est un logiciel permettant de cartographier automatiquement l’accessibilité des forêts en fonction de différents modes d’exploitation : tracteur forestier, porteur... -
Dataset of Wi-Fi packet captures including RSSI for different distances
The folder contains a dataset of Wi-Fi packet captures using a passive sniffing technique as described in : M. I. Syed, A. Fladenmuller, M. Dias de Amorim. Unity is strength:... -
From Buttons to Bots: Exploring the Impact of Enhanced Features in Voting Adv...
Voters using Voting Advice Applications (VAAs) often struggle with comprehension issues, leading to satisficing behavior. Conversational Agent VAAs (CAVAAs) help users of VAAs... -
Replication Data for: Exact algorithms for a parallel machine scheduling prob...
This repository contains the instances used in the paper "Exact algorithms for a parallel machine scheduling problem with workforce and contiguity constraints" by Giulia... -
German causal language annotations and lexicon (verbs, nouns, prepositions) (DE)
Annotations of causal verbs, nouns and prepositions in context and lexicon file for causal verbs, nouns and prepositions. -
Negative Sampling for Learning Knowledge Graph Embeddings
Reimplementation of four KG factorization methods and six negative sampling methods. Abstract Knowledge graphs are large, useful, but incomplete knowledge repositories. They... -
Topological Field Labeler for German
This resource contains the code of the topological labeler used in the paper: Do and Rehbein (2020). "Parsers Know Best: German PP Attachment Revisited". For this tool, labeling... -
Genre-sensitive Neural Situation Entity classifier (DE, EN)
This is a Classifier for situation entity types as described in Becker et al., 2017. These clause types depend on a combination of syntactic-semantic and contextual features. We... -
Pre-trained POS tagging models for German social media
Pre-trained POS tagging models for the HunPos tagger (Halácsy et al. 2007) the biLSTM-char-CRF tagger (Reimers & Gurevych 2017) Online-Flors (Yin et al. 2015).... -
ACL word segmentation correction
The data in this collection consists of two parallel directories, one ("raw") containing the raw text of 18850 articles from the ACL 2013/02 collection, the other... -
Encoder-Decoder Model for Semantic Role Labeling
Abstract (Daza & Frank 2019): We propose a Cross-lingual Encoder-Decoder model that simultaneously translates and generates sentences with Semantic Role Labeling annotations... -
AMR parse quality prediction [Source Code]
Accuracy prediction for AMR parsing predicts 33 accuracy metrics for a given sentence and its (automatic) AMR parse Abstract (Opitz and Frank, 2019): Semantic proto-role... -
A German UD Twitter treebank, with >12,000 tokens from 519 tweets, annotated in the Universal Dependencies framework -
Tool for Extracting PP Attachment Disambiguation Dataset
This resource contains code to extract a PP attachment disambiguation dataset as described in the paper: Do and Rehbein (2020). "Parsers Know Best: German PP Attachment... -
Affixoid Dataset (DE)
The dataset contains the manual annotations for the COLING 2018 submission "Distinguishing affixoid formations from compounds" by Josef Ruppenhofer, Michael Wiegand, Rebecca... -
3D Micro-Mapping of Subsidence Stations [Source Code and Data]
This dataset comprises the source code to reproduce the 3D micro-mapping tool for plane adjustment at subsidence stations. In this project, users adjust a plane (height and...