Minor and trace elements in sediment sampled across the Permian-Triassic boun...
The data table lists the concentrations of 44 minor and trace elements in 124 samples of sediment, collected approximately every few centimeters in a continuous profile across... -
Rare earth elements (REE) normalized against post-Archean shales from Austral...
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Major and trace element contents of seep carbonate samples, Dre1, Dre2 and Dre3
To obtain the major and trace element contents of seep carbonate, samples were ground into powder and send to the SampleSolution Lab, Wuhan, China. 100 mg powder sample was... -
Sediment chemical data from Amazonas lakes, Brazil - rainy and dry seasons 20...
Water (physico)chemical and sediment chemical data from shallow tropical lakes and some piscicultures are available. In 5 subsequent field campaigns in both dry (3x) and rainy... -
(Table 2) Rare earth element concentration data for fish tooth samples
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(Tab 2) Salt-corrected He isotope, U/Th isotope, Calcium carbonate, biogenic ...
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(Tab 1) He isotope, U/Th isotope, Calcium carbonate, biogenic opal and rare e...
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(Table 4) Chemical composition of bulk samples from ODP Hole 125-782A fallout...
Numerical ages of tephra are based on calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy Xu and Wise (1992, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.125.142.1992) -
(Table 4) Composition of halogen-rich andesites and mixed rhyolite inclusion ...
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(Appendix 1) Element analyses of individual glasses from ODP Hole 125-782A
For major elements and B concentrations and isotope ratios see Straub and Layne (2003) datasets: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.708583. Numerical ages of tephra are based on calcareous... -
(Table 4) Composition of halogen-rich andesite inclusions and mixed rhyolite ...
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Geochemistry of core SO42-74KL
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Geochemistry of surface sediments from the Indian Ocean
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Minor-element chemical analyses of Hole 29-282
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Minor-element chemical analyses of Hole 29-280A
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Minor-element chemical analyses of Hole 29-279A
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Minor-element chemical analyses of Hole 29-278
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LA-ICP-MS singlespot, median and standard deviation for 29 trace elements inc...
For in situ analysis of 29 trace elements, carried out at the LA-ICP-MS lab of the Institute of Geosciences at Kiel University, a 193nm ArF-exciplex laser ablation system... -
Inividual glass shard analyses in core MD07-3100 (Table S2)
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(Table 2) Whole rock major and trace elements from Penninic metasedimentary unit
Mass numbers in parameter comments refer to the isotope measured