Investigating the effect of magnetic impurities on ALC resonances
This proposal aims to investigate the effect of magnetic impurities on the ALC resonance amplitude of an organic semiconductor (RRa-P3HT), to determine whether the effect can be... -
An ALC study of the organic ferroelectrics TTF-CA and TTF-BA
The study of organic ferroelectrics based on mixed-stack charge-transfer salts is currently a rapidly developing research field. These materials attract interest as highly... -
Field induced spin Luttinger liquid phase in a spin ladder
Spin ladders present a class of low-dimensional quantum magnets that occupy a regime of rather subtle behavior which lies between the stark extremes of a one-dimensional chain... -
Muon Spin Depolarization Study of Magnetism in Mn-doped ZnGeP2
We propose a MuSR study of the magnetism in Mn-doped ZnGeP2 during this round of experiments using muon spin depolarization measurements in a longitudinal magnetic field. This... -
Studying the metamagnetism of FeCl2 and FeBr2 using HiFi
Work on the iron halides FeX2 has led to the models of A-type antiferromagnetism and the tricritical point in magnetic systems. Here we wish to carry out decoupling experiments... -
How complex is complex: an ALC study of a 10-mer helical peptide chain
There have been ALC studies on the interaction of muons with native proteins, but little systematic work that contributes understanding of how spectroscopic information alters... -
Muon Spin Relaxation and ALC Resonance in Magnetic and non-Magnetic Oxalate S...
Repolarisation and level crossing resonance will be studied for several different oxalate compounds where muon radical states are known to be formed. Such compounds form a... -
Interaction of muonium centres and excess carriers in highly injected silicon
We have developed a method to measure carrier recombination lifetime in crystalline silicon with the photo-muSR technique. The key of the method is to measure the dependence of... -
An ALC study of the organic ferroelectrics TTF-CA and TTF-BA (continuation)
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Artificial [FeFe]-Hydrogenases and Muon Spectroscopy
Preliminary measurements of [FeFe]-hydrogenase model complexes were made in a previous experiment using EMU (RB 1010177). The results were interpreted in combination with DFT... -
Hyperfine Interaction Studies in Synthetic Single Stranded DNA Molecule
Electron transport plays an important role especially to repair the damaged in DNA. µSR provides a means to microscopically study such phenomena. A systematic study on the... -
Magnetically frustrated coordination polymers as Quantum Spin Liquid candidates
Magnetic coordination polymers have emerged as potential candidates to behave as Quantum Spin Liquids (QSLs). The QSL is a state of matter proposed by Anderson in 1973, where,... -
How complex is complex: an ALC study of a 10-mer helical peptide chain
There have been ALC studies on the interaction of muons with native proteins, but little systematic work that contributes understanding of how spectroscopic information alters... -
Probing the glass transition in polymers using LF muSR
Nearly all polymers form glasses and the glass transition at temperature Tg dominates many physical properties of polymers that are relevant for their applications. The most... -
Motional Dynamics of Positively Charged Muonium in Anatase, Brookite and Ruti...
We propose a series of measurements on anatase and brookite Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) to investigate the motional dynamics of positively charged Mu centres and their transition... -
Muon spin rotation to determine internal fields in HfNiSn
HfNiSn is a semiconducting material with cubic crystal symmetry, and as such it should not show any anisotropy in electronic transport.However, at low temperatures we observe... -
Local magnetism, magnetic fluctuations and disorder, and lattice distortions ...
We aim at performing temperature (2-300K) and magnetic field (0-5T) dependent muon SR on a 1X1 cm2 mosaic, made of 4* 5x5x2 mm3 TbMn0.98Fe0.02O3 single crystals (largest area... -
Single molecular TIPS-pentacene isolated in a solid-state matrix
We have recently been awarded beamtime on the Cronus spectrometer, via the Riken proposal system, to investigate the possibility of performing solid-state laser excitation... -
Photoinduced carrier lifetime in silicon: E-field application for carrier sep...
This continuing experiment is proposed based on our previous experiment RB1510208, which we have carried out just recently. The experiment successfully observed the lifetime of... -
Energy gap formation in the anisotropic Kondo insulator CeRu4Sn6 using muSR
We propose to perform a survey of the zero-field and applied field muSR in CeRu4Sn6 single crystal. We will do the field dependence of the muSR response at base temperature in...