Whole genome re-sequences of Japanese Tokotan stickleback populations
Whole genome re-sequences of sticklebacks (Gasterosteus). Fishes were collected at Tokotan River, Hokkaido, Japan. This is a sympatric site of the Japanese Pacific Ocean... -
Temporal Dynamics of Neurogenomic Plasticity in Response to Social Interactio...
Animals exhibit dramatic immediate behavioral plasticity in response to social interactions, and brief social interactions can shape the future social landscape. However, the... -
Gasterosteus aculeatus Raw sequence reads
Biogeographic sampling of Central European stickleback to infer the origin of Lake Constance stickleback. -
The study of genomic parallelism in three-spined stickleback using RAD sequen...
We performed a genome-wide scan of independently derived freshwater stickleback populations from Alaska, British Columbia, Iceland and Scotland (island of North Uist) using... -
Opposing roles for BMP signaling in tooth formation and replacement in stickl...
Opposing roles for BMP signaling in tooth formation and replacement in sticklebacks -
RAD-seq of Japanese and European threespine sticklebacks
RAD-seq (Sbf-I cut) were conducted for several populations of the Japan Sea sticklebacks (G. nipponicus), Japanese Pacific Ocean threespine sticklebacks (G. aculeatus), and... -
Evolution of immunity to cestode parasites is a pyrrhic victory
Recently-evolved freshwater populations of stickleback frequently evolve increased resistance to tapeworms, involving extensive fibrosis that suppresses parasite growth because... -
Whole genome seq of Japanese symaptric threespines
Whole genome sequences of sympatric Japanese threespine sticklebacks were determine. -
The population structure and recent colonization history of Oregon threespine...
Understanding how genetic variation is partitioned across genomes within and among populations is a fundamental problem in ecological and evolutionary genetics. To address this... -
Allele-specific RNA-seq spine data
Vertebrates have repeatedly modified skeletal structures to adapt to their environments. The threespine stickleback is an excellent system for studying skeletal modifications,... -
Gasterosteus aculeatus Raw sequence reads
Lake and stream threespine stickleback fish, Geneva (Europe) watershed raw sequence reads -
Modular and convergent evolution of a gain in stickleback tooth number throug...
Modular and convergent evolution of a gain in stickleback tooth number through cis-regulatory alleles -
Threespine stickleback Y chromosome sequencing
The goal of this project was to sequence and assemble the threespine stickleback Y chromosome. We combined long-read PacBio sequencing with a Hi-C-based proximity guided... -
Worldwide phylogeny of three-spined sticklebacks
Using a large collection of samples covering most parts of the species</p><p>distribution range, we subjected thousands of single nucleotide polymorphisms to... -
Spine length association sequencing of threespine stickleback
Vertebrates have repeatedly modified skeletal structures to adapt to their environments. The threespine stickleback is an excellent system for studying skeletal modifications,... -
Gasterosteus aculeatus raw sequence reads associated with adjacent lake and s...
Genetic divergence between populations is shaped by a combination of drift, migration, and selection, yielding patterns of isolation-by-distance (IBD) and... -
WGS of Little Campbell River marine female
Paired-end and high-coverage whole genome sequencing of a Little Campbell River marine female collected from the estuary of LC River, BC in 2004 June. -
Temperature effects on DNA methylation in threespine stickleback
Epigenetic mechanisms such as changes in DNA methylation are thought to be a principal mediator of phenotypic plasticity, but little is known about the response of the methylome... -
Gasterosteus aculeatus Raw sequence reads
Individual plant and animal hosts vary substantially in the microbial (e.g. bacterial) assemblages that inhabit their body sites, but understanding the role of host genetic...