BIS dataset of the south-western part of Netherlands (1985-2004)
This CD contains part of the data from the Benthos Information system, the database of the Monitor Task-group of the NIOO. -
This dataset was collected in the framework of two different projects, recording biological parameters and an investigation of the effects of WWTP on the zoobenthos in Saronikos... -
Benthos Gironde Estuary
The data is the integration of three different subdatasets i.e. the impact of dredging on benthic macrofauna (1979 data), comparison of macrobenthos between major European tidal... -
Cefas03 - Impacts of experimental trawling disturbance on nematode communities
Experiment on the short-term effects of beam trawling in the Southern North Sea. -
A comparison of benthic biodiversity in the North Sea, English Channel and Ce...
Comparison dataset of Animalia in the North Sea, the English Channel and the Celtic Sea. -
Spatial heterogeneity of nematodes on an intertidal flat in the Westerschelde...
The spatial heterogeneity of the nematode associations on a small intertidal estuarine flat was investigated. -
Cefas02 - Structure of sublittoral nematode assemblages at four offshore stat...
This dataset represents a subset of data collected from offshore locations around England and Wales under the auspices of the National Marine Monitoring Programme (NMMP). -
Nematode biodiversity data from the North Sea Benthos Survey
All nematode data from the North Sea Benthos Survey (NSBS) were compiled in a smaller dataset. -
Offshore reference stations (Finnmark)
Original dataset objective: Reference stations for future annual surveys of petroleum activities in the Finnmark/ southern Barents Sea area. -
Meiobenthos at the stations 115, 702, 790 on the Belgian Continental Shelf
Nematode communities were sampled at three localities along the Belgian coast -
Oslo database (Marbef Theme 1 workshop)
Different dataset added toghether to make a common database for the workshop in Oslo and for the upcoming worskhop on Crete. -
Cefas08 - Effects of simulated deposition of dredged material on structure of...
Data are the result of a laboratory experiment, designed to investigate the effects of the degree of contamination and the role of burial associated with the deposition of... -
Temporal patterns for macrobenthos species at stations 115b and 330 in the Be...
This dataset contains data on two stations on the Belgian Continental Shelf that are sampled monthly for macrobenthic organisms. -
Cefas07 - Effects of simulated deposition of dredged material on structure of...
The main objective of the data derived from this microcosm experiment was to assess the ability of nematodes to vertically migrate into native muddy and non-native sandy... -
SPEEK database: Meiobenthos of subtidal sandbanks on the Belgian Continental ...
Meiobenthos of subtidal sandbanks on the Belgian Continental Shelf (counts, nematode species information, nematode biomass information) -
Ecological hyperbenthic data of the Scheldt estuary: ENDIS-RISKS data (2002-2...
Density, biomass, population structure and brood size were determined for Mysid shrimp populations in the Scheldt-estuary. -
The main aim of the REDIT I campaign was to assess the geographical extend of the distribution of the polychaetous Serpulid Ditrupa arietina. Nevertheless, all macrofauna... -
Benthic Communities and Environmental Parameters in Three Mediterranean Ports...
Three seasonal sampling campaigns (winter, summer before touristic period, summer after touristic period) were implemented during 2012 in three Mediterranean touristic ports:... -
Free-living nematodes of the Voordelta
Data collected from this PhD study form part of a global research project, aiming to evaluate the effect of the Delta works on the Dutch Delta ecosystem. -
Gulf of Gdansk
Data on macrobenthos in the Gulf of Gdansk collected as part of the phD thesis of Janas U.