Branched tetraether lipids in Carminowe Creek catchment (southwest England)
In this dataset, the branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) data in a creek catchment located in southwest England are included, with 78 soil samples along 14... -
(Table 3) Branched GDGTs in intact polar lipid fractions of lakes in Minnesot...
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(Table 2) Branched GDGTs in core lipid fractions of lakes in Minnesota and Iowa
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GDGT distribution of Mariana Trough tuffs and background sediments
After all tuffs and background sediments were freeze-dried, 30 ml mixed solution of dichloromethane and methanol (9:1, V/V) was added to each Teflon tube containing ca. 10 g... -
Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT) concentrations from Lake Uddelerm...
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Branched GDGTs analysed in the Loess Paleosol Sequence (LPS) of the Lingtai s...
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GDGT concentrations in ELSA stack samples of the Eifel volcanic field, Germany
Isoprenoid and branched GDGTs were measured in soils and lake sediment samples from the Eifel Volcanic field. The modern samples were used to understand sources of GDGTs in... -
GDGTs in modern soils and lake sediments, Eifel volcanic field, Germany
Isoprenoid and branched GDGTs were measured in soils and lake sediment samples from the Eifel Volcanic field. The modern samples were used to understand sources of GDGTs in... -
Concentration of branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in suspended ...
Vertical profiles of temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity and pH in the water column of Lake Chala, a small (4.2 km2), deep (~90 m), and permanently stratified... -
Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) percentage for the surface tran...
The brGDGT abundances was microwave extracted from the sediment using (DCM):MeOH solvent twice. Then the polar and apolar part were separated and undergo High Performance Liquid... -
GDGT concentration of sediment core UD-4
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GDGT concentration of sediment core MD-2
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GDGT concentration of sediment core MD-1
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Abundances of isoGDGTs and and chrenarchaeol in the modern peat dataset
<0.001 = below detection: peaks are too small to quantify. -
Raw data peak areas of GDGTs and GMGTs peaks of IODP Hole 302-M0004A
<0.001 = below detection: peaks are too small to quantify. -
brGDGTs fractional abundances from soils of Lake 578, southern Greenland
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brGDGTs fractional abundances from settling particulate matter of Lake 578, s...
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brGDGTs fractional abundances from surface sediments of Lake 578, southern Gr...
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brGDGTs fractional abundances from sediment core of Lake 578, southern Greenland
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Biomarker distributions and proxies at Cobham, UK
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