Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Öland
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Östergötland
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Halland
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Jämtland och Härjedalen
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Kopparbergs län (Dalarna)
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Örebro län (Närke och Värmland)
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Småland, Västergötland och Dalsland
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Södermanland
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Uppsala och Stockholms län
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skördar i Sverige före agrarrevolutionen: Västerbotten
Grain tithe (Swe: Spannmålstiondet) has often been used as an indicator of crop development. It was a tax based in the principle of one-tenth of the harvest. This database is... -
Skattning av effekter av jordbrukets markanvändning på jordbruksfåglar med hj...
This study seeks evidence of benefits to farmland birds of reversing land use intensification on and among arable fields and to what extent benefits are moderated by presence of... -
Svenskt historiskt fenologidataset
The dataset contains reports of phenological observations, made at more than 700 locations throughout Sweden between 1865 and 1951. The observations were mainly conducted by... -
Rural Energy and Household Forest Values under Varying Management Regimes 2009
The study on Rural Energy and Household Forest Values under Varying Management Regimes was conducted in Ethiopia. The general objective of this survey is to study household... -
Global analysis of slope of forest land
Forests of the world constitute one third of the total land area and are critical for e.g. carbon balance, biodiversity, water supply, and as source for bio-based products.... -
Effekter av Covid-19-pandemin på skogsresursanvändning i landsbygdssamhällen ...
Description: This project, “Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Forest Resource Use by Rural Communities in India” aims to study the role of forest plantations as a safety net... -
Underrättsprotokoll, Uppland, Sverige 1638, "Per Larssons dombok", (urval)
The aim of the project is to provide a clearer picture of what men and women actually did to support themselves in early modern Sweden (approximately 1550 to 1800) and to... -
Rural Energy and Household Forest Values under Varying Management Regimes 2009
The study on Rural Energy and Household Forest Values under Varying Management Regimes was conducted in Ethiopia. The general objective of this survey is to study household... -
Rural Energy and Household Forest Values under Varying Management Regimes 2009
The study on Rural Energy and Household Forest Values under Varying Management Regimes was conducted in Ethiopia. The general objective of this survey is to study household...