(Table 4) Major element oxide composition of glasses from ODP Site 162-982
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(Table 3) Characteristics and composition of ash layers and ash-bearing sedim...
DEPTH, sediment is given in mbsf. Labels occurring in the correlative samples column are possible correlative samples of other holes established by comparing corrected depths... -
(Table 2) Mean carbon-isotopic composition and standard deviations of deposit...
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(Table T1) Lithologic and ichnologic description of ODP Hole 174-1073A
When examined in their sedimentologic and stratigraphic context, ichnofabrics and component ichnofossils can help decipher paleoceanography and sea-level histories from marine... -
Fluorescense measurements of surface microlayer samples from the southern Nor...
Samples from surface microlayer (SML) and undelying water (ULW) were collected in selected stations in the Southern of the North Sea. Samples were stored in cool container (<... -
(Table 3) Metazoan species found in the surface and sub-ice layers of the dri...
= absent; + = present (single specimens); ++ = abundant (mostly >1 ind/m**3) -
The polychaete fauna of the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone from boxcore sam...
The dataset contains polychaete abundance data collected from boxcores samples (BC; 0.25 m2) collected in the eastern Clarion Clipperton fracture Zone (northeast Pacific), an... -
Macrofauna from box corer samples during SONNE cruise SO239
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Layer description, carbon and nitrogen content and stable isotope record of b...
An investigation of stable isotope (d13C TOC and d15N TN) and elemental parameters (TOC, TN contents and TOC/TN ratios) of bulk organic matter (<200 µm) from sediment cores... -
(Table 1) Neodymium isotopic results for core top samples in the vicinity of ...
(a) corrected to Tanaka T, et al. Jndi-1: a neodymium isotopic reference in consistency with LaJolla neodymium. Chemical Geology 168, 279-281 (2000). -
(Table 1) Major element oxides of tephra layers from composite core 5022-2CP,...
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(Table 4) Grain size dependent mean accumulation rate of sediments in Europe
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(Table 3) Sedimentation rate and mean accumulation rate of sediment in China
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(Table 2) Sedimentation rate and mean accumulation rate of sediment in Europe
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(Table 1) Sedimentation rate and mean accumulation rate of sediment and dust ...
Our study focuses on European loess sequences, particularly the eolian intervals in between the observed pedogenic units. The classical concept of soil formation from parent... -
Microhabitat distribution in sympatric populations of closely related species...
This dataset contains microhabitat distribution data. -
The deposits sourrounding late Pleistocene massive ice bodies in the region o...
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(Table 3) Trace metal enrichment factors for Sihetun lacustrine succession sa...
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(Supplement S2) Volcanic ash layer description and thickness analysis from di...
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Sediment microbial communities at CO2 seeps in Papua New Guinea: environmenta...
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