(Table 5) Representative chlorite and chlorite-smectite analyses of ODP Holes...
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(Table 4) Representative plagioclase analyses of ODP Hole 140-504B
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(Table 2) Representative amphibole analyses of ODP Holes 137-504B and 140-504B
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(Table 1) Representative secondary clinopyroxene analyses of ODP Holes 137-50...
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(Table 2) Representative analyses of secondary clinopyroxene filling the step...
Calculation of structural formula based on 6 oxygen. -
(Table 1) Representative analyses of amphibole from ODP Holes 140-504B
Calculation of structural formula based on 23 oxygen. -
(Table 3) Representative analyses of zeolites from ODP Holes 140-504B
Calculation of structural formula based on 12 oxygen (laumonite) and 18 oxygens (heulandite). -
(Table 2) Stable isotope ratios of ODP Holes 137-504B and 140-504B samples
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. <1 = traces. -
(Table 1) Geochemistry of phyllosilicates and amphiboles of ODP Holes 137-504...
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(Table 4) Magnesium numbers in melt inclusions in plagiopclase from ODP Holes...
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(Table 3) Trace element analyses of silicate melt inclusions in plagioclase f...
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(Table 2) Major element analyses of silicate melt inclusions in plagioclase f...
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(Table 2) Geochemistry ODP Hole 140-504B diabase
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(Table 1) Geochemistry of clinopyroxene in ODP Hole 140-504B
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(Table 1) Geochemistry of plagioclase microlyte in clinopyroxene megacryst in...
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(Table 3) Statistic analysis of geochemical variables from DSDP/ODP Hole 504B
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(Table 1) Au and Pd contents and geochemical characteristics of samples from ...
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(Table 3) Barium and rare-earth element abundances of lithologic Unit 220 of ...
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(Table 1) Geochemistry of ODP Holes 137-504B and 140-504B basalts and diabases
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(Table 5) Modal compositions of selected ODP Holes 137-504B and 140-504B diab...
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