Total number of benthic foraminifera in sediments below the K/T boundary in t...
Most species of Late Cretaceous deep-sea benthic foraminifera are believed to be cosmopolitan and therefore to exhibit only minor biogeographical differences. In this... -
Characterization of late Campanian and Maastrichtian planktonic foraminiferal...
Depth habitats of 56 late Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal species from cool and warm climate modes were determined based on stable isotope analyses of deep-sea samples from... -
Latitudinal variation in the planktic foraminifer Contusotruncana contusa in ...
The morphological variability (coiling properties, size and shape) of the planktic foraminifer Contusortuncana contusa (Cushman) in the terminal Cretaceous ocean was examined at... -
Benthic foraminifera in Lower Cretaceous sediments from various DSDP samples
From the DSDP Legs 1, 11, 13, 17, 25, 27, 32, 36, 41, 43, 44, 50, and 62 the Lower Cretaceous foraminifers have been investigated for biostratigraphical, taxonomical, and... -
Seismic properties of volcanic rocks from DSDP Hole 62-465A
Hess Rise, a major structural feature in the northern Pacific, is one of several oceanic plateaus which apparently possess anomalous seismic structures (Sutton et al., 1971).... -
Anisotropy and acoustic properties at DSDP Holes 62-463 and 62-465A
Variations of acoustic properties within the sediment column may significantly affect the propagation of acoustic energy in the upper portion of the oceanic crust. Moreover, the... -
Minerals and geochemistry at DSDP Hole 62-466
Alkali-basalt clasts in Upper Cretaceous sediments from Site 466 on southern Hess Rise suggest that parts of Hess Rise were constructed by off-ridge volcanic activity.... -
Mineralogy and pyrolysis at DSDP Hole 62-463
A 15-meter sequence of early Aptian organic-matter-rich sediments, cored at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 463 (western Mid-Pacific Mountains) has been submitted for detailed... -
Calcium carbonate and organic carbon at DSDP Leg 62 Holes
Percent CaCO3 was determined in selected samples aboard the ship by the carbonate-bomb technique (Müller and Gastner, 1971). Results of these analyses are listed in Table 1 and... -
Mineralogy and geochemistry at DSDP Hole 62-465A
Core recovered from Hess Rise contains concentrations of pyrite, marcasite, and barite in the lowermost meter of limestone (Unit II) and in the brecciated upper part of the... -
Mineralogy and geochemistry of sediments of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary ...
The complete Paleocene section begins with the basal Tertiary Globigerina eugubina Zone. This zone occurs at 465A-3-3, 4 cm to 465A-3-3, 144 cm and belongs to Lithologic Unit I... -
Geochemisty at DSDP Hole 62-465A
Very significant enhancements of the element iridium have been observed in association with the Cretaceous/ Tertiary boundary in marine sediments laid down 65 m.y. ago and... -
Geochemistry, mineralogy and isotopes at DSDP Hole 62-464
The relationships between mineralogical and geochemical data on the three successive sedimentary facies at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 464 are studied. The evolution of... -
Oxygen-isotope composition, temperature and depth of formation of chert at DS...
We measured oxygen-isotope compositions of 16 siliceous rocks from Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 463, 464, 465, and 466 (Leg 62). Samples are from deposits that range in age... -
Chert petrology and geochemistry at DSDP Leg 62 Holes
Sixty-five chert, porcellanite, and siliceous-chalk samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 62 were analyzed by petrography, scanning electron microscopy, analysis by... -
Geochemistry at DSDP Leg 62 Holes
A total of 191 samples was collected for inorganic geochemical analyses from DSDP Holes 463, 464, 465, 465A, and 466. These samples were collected with two main goals. First, at... -
Mass-accumulation rates for the non-authigenic, inorganic, crystalline, eolia...
The mass-accumulation rate (MAR) of the non-authigenic, inorganic, crystalline component of deep-sea sediments from the Pacific aseismic rises apparently reflects influx of... -
Mineralogy and geochemistry of altered ash, pelagic clay, and a clay vein in ...
Volcanic ash was recovered from lower Aptian to Albian deposits from DSDP Sites 463, 465, and 466; pelagic clay of the upper Pleistocene to Upper Cretaceous was recovered mainly... -
Clay minerals in Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments at DSDP Leg 62 Holes
The main tasks of this study were (1) identification of minerals of the clay fraction, (2) identification of clay-mineral associations in relation to stratigraphic intervals,... -
Mid-Cretaceous calcareous nannoplankton at DSDP Leg 62 Holes
Moderately well-preserved calcareous-nannoplankton assemblages from the western Mid-Pacific Mountains and Hess Rise reflect paleoceanographic conditions during the middle...