REMINDER: Short Term Media Analysis on Migration 2017-2018 (OA edition)
Full edition for public use. The principle of free movement allows citizens of the European Union (EU) to cross EU borders to live, work, or travel in other EU member states. It... -
AUTNES Content Analysis of Party Websites 2013 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The dataset “AUTNES Content Analysis of Party Websites 2013” covers all party websites of parties gaining at least two percent of the votes in... -
Mikrocensus 1985, 4. quarter: Culture and Leisure Time
The topic of this Mikrozensus survey is the habits of consumption of cultural offers and leisure behaviour. A similar study had been conducted 10 years ago in June 1972... -
Mikrocensus 1998, 3. quarter: Leisure-Time and Culture
This Mikrozensus special surveys is on the habits of consumption of cultural offers and leisure behaviour of the Austrian population. This had already the topic of surveys... -
AUTNES Content Analysis of Party Leader Statements 2006 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The AUTNES coding of leader statements covers all public statements and actions of leaders of relevant parties in the six weeks before the 2006... -
REMINDER: Online Experiment on Migration and Mobility Attitudes 2019 (SUF edi...
Full edition for scientific use. The survey experiment is part of a broader research on European Union citizens’ attitudes towards immigration and free movement. The main...