MONICA-undersökningen i norra Sverige: hjärtinfarktregister
The Northern Sweden MONICA Study started with the WHO MONICA Study in 1985. The purpose was to monitor trends in mortality and morbidity in cardiovascular disease and relate... -
MONICA-undersökningen i norra Sverige: strokeregister
The Northern Sweden MONICA Study started with the WHO MONICA Study in 1985. The purpose was to monitor trends in mortality and morbidity in cardiovascular disease and relate... -
MONICA-undersökningen i norra Sverige 2014
The Northern Sweden MONICA Study started with the WHO MONICA Study in 1985. The purpose was to monitor trends in mortality and morbidity in cardiovascular disease and relate... -
The cohort is population-based and consists of blood and data from primarily 40, 50 and 60 year olds, taken every year in this age group in connection with the Västerbotten... -
Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men (ULSAM): 50 år
ULSAM started as a health investigation, focused at identifying metabolic risk factors for cardiovascular disease, to which all 50 year-old men living in Uppsala in 1970 were... -
Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men (ULSAM): 60 år
ULSAM started as a health investigation, focused at identifying metabolic risk factors for cardiovascular disease, to which all 50 year-old men living in Uppsala in 1970 were... -
Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men (ULSAM): 70 år
ULSAM started as a health investigation, focused at identifying metabolic risk factors for cardiovascular disease, to which all 50 year-old men living in Uppsala in 1970 were... -
Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men (ULSAM): 77 år
ULSAM started as a health investigation, focused at identifying metabolic risk factors for cardiovascular disease, to which all 50 year-old men living in Uppsala in 1970 were... -
Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men (ULSAM): 82 år
ULSAM started as a health investigation, focused at identifying metabolic risk factors for cardiovascular disease, to which all 50 year-old men living in Uppsala in 1970 were... -
Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men (ULSAM): 88 år
ULSAM started as a health investigation, focused at identifying metabolic risk factors for cardiovascular disease, to which all 50 year-old men living in Uppsala in 1970 were... -
Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men (ULSAM): 93 år
ULSAM started as a health investigation, focused at identifying metabolic risk factors for cardiovascular disease, to which all 50 year-old men living in Uppsala in 1970 were... -
SCAPIS - Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study - Göteborg
SCAPIS stands for Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study and is a unique research project within the field of cardiac, vascular and pulmonary disease. The risk-factor pattern... -
SCAPIS - Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study - Malmö
SCAPIS stands for Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study and is a unique research project within the field of cardiac, vascular and pulmonary disease. The risk-factor pattern... -
Alla Nya Diabetiker i Skåne - ANDIS
ANDIS is a combined research and quality assurance project with the long term aim of introducing precision medicine in diabetes. In connection with a visit to your doctor or... -
Samband mellan luftföroreningar och stroke och hjärtinfarkt i Skåne
Information about diabetes diagnosis, hypertension and atrial fibrillation, smoking and physical inactivity were collected via postal survey. This information were afterwards... -
OPRA: Populationsbaserad prospektiv studie av benmetabolism, benmineral, fall...
In the study a group of women in which age-related bone loss is already clear and common fractures at baseline are investigated. The expected increase in fracture incidence,... -
Omgivningsfaktorers betydelse för uppkomst av diabetes hos barn - TEDDY: urva...
Umbilical cord blood was taken from 48000 new born children in the county of Skåne in order to determine the risk of hereditary type 1 diabetes. Of the screened children 7,4%... -
Omgivningsfaktorers betydelse för uppkomst av diabetes hos barn - TEDDY: uppf...
Umbilical cord blood was taken from 48000 new born children in the county of Skåne in order to determine the risk of hereditary type 1 diabetes. Of the screened children 7,4%... -
DiabetesPrediktion i Skåne - DiPiS: urvalsstudie
Diabetes Prediction in Skåne, DiPiS aims to investigate why children develop diabetes type 1. By being able to predict which children who will develop diabetes, it may be... -
DiabetesPrediktion i Skåne - DiPiS: uppföljningsstudie
Diabetes Prediction in Skåne, DiPiS aims to investigate why children develop diabetes type 1. By being able to predict which children who will develop diabetes, it may be...