ALLena: Thaw depth measurements of the active layer in the Lena River Delta r...
Active layer thickness (ALT) is one of currently two Essential Climate Variables related directly to permafrost regions as defined by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS)... -
23 true Elementary Sampling Units (ESUs) set in the Lena Delta representing t...
This data set includes training elements representing different vegetation composition in the form of Elementary Sampling Units ESUs: 23 true ESUs representing the LD18... -
69 pseudo Elementary Sampling Units (ESUs) set in the Lena Delta derived with...
This data set includes training elements representing different vegetation composition in the form of Elementary Sampling Units ESUs: 69 pseudo ESUs set with expert knowledge... -
Data compilation of marine pelagic organism maximum clearance rates
Data were extracted from tables or digitized from figures reported in the original papers (Reference). When body mass was not given in the specific unit in the orginal paper, it... -
Data compilation of marine pelagic organism oxygen respiration rates and biom...
Data were extracted from tables or digitized from figures reported in the original papers (Reference). When body mass was not given in the specific units in the original paper,... -
Data compilation of marine pelagic organism clearance rates
Data were extracted from tables or digitized from figures reported in the original papers (Reference). When body mass was not given in the specific unit in the orginal paper, it... -
Registry of all campaigns (from port to port) from the Tara Oceans Expedition...
The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans... -
Hyperthermals and the bulk sediment δ13C tie points from IODP Site U1553 corr...
Age model. Hyperthermals (Hyp) and the bulk sediment δ13C records from ODP Site1258 and 1262 were correlated to our record. This table provides the tie points in order to... -
Below-ground carbon stocks and soil properties in the central Lena River Delt...
Arctic warming increases the degradation of permafrost soils but little is known about floodplain soils and other permafrost soils in the permafrost region. This dataset present... -
Whole rock trace element compositions of samples recovered at Hole CM1A
This dataset has no description
Single water samples from MOSES project's cruise stern_2
During Stern_2 cruise single water samples were taken either from a rosette (vertical) or from on the way systems. For the on the way systems a time off-set was calculated and... -
Single water samples from MOSES project's cruise stern_1
During Stern_1 single water samples were taken either from a rosette (vertical) or from on the way systems. For the on the way systems a time off-set was calculated and... -
Single water samples from MOSES project's cruise stern_3
During Stern_3 single water samples were taken either from a rosette (vertical) or from on the way systems. For the on the way systems a time off-set was calculated and... -
Pb-Pb and trace element analyses of detrital feldspars from sediment core IN2...
Pb-Pb ratios, ages and trace element data from detrital feldspars in kasten core IN2017_V01-A042-KC14 from the continental slope of central Wilkes Land, East Antarctica and... -
Distribution of contaminants from the Elbe outflow into the North Sea (German...
The Sternfahrt-10 of the MOSES campaign, from 29th August until the 15th of September 2023, had two objectives. One was to follow the dispersion of pollutants transported by the... -
MOSES Sternfahrt-10, Elbe water distribution and dispersion of pollutants fro...
The Sternfahrt-10 of the MOSES campaign, from 29th August until the 15th of September 2023, had two objectives. One was to follow the dispersion of pollutants, previously... -
MOSES Sternfahrt-8, temporal variance of oceanographic data in the Elbe influ...
The main objective of this Sternfahrt-8, from 10th to 16th September 2021, was to assess the temporal variance of oceanographic real time data in the Elbe influence area of the... -
Videos of the giant anemone, Relicanthus daphneae, capturing prey (Rimicaris ...
Here we present the discovery of R. daphneae along the southern Central Indian Ridge, at the Rodriguez Triple Junction, and along the northern Southeast Indian Ridge within the... -
Moses Sternfahrt-9, Chemical transformation of chlorophyll-a and dissolved or...
As the previous cruises were mainly conducted in August / September, this cruise was set up to cover a late spring situation in the German Bight. The cruise track and positions... -
Carbon compounds, methane concentration and nutritional composition of water ...
The "Sternfahrt 9" cruise was conducted from the 30th of May to the 2nd of June 2022, covering a late spring situation in the German Bight. The three participating vessels...