Ethnic Diversity and Preferences for Redistribution - Grafdata
Ethnic Diversity and Preferences for Redistribution attempts to explain if individual's preferences for redistribution change if the ethnic diversity increases in a... -
Ojämlikhetsmått baserade på valdata 1871 och 1892 för svenska kommuner
The data contains inequality measures at the municipality-level for 1892 and 1871, as estimated in the PhD thesis "Institutions, Inequality and Societal Transformations" by Sara... -
Finansiering av staten: statliga skatteintäkter från 1800 till 2012
This dataset presents information on historical central government revenues for 31 countries in Europe and the Americas for the period from 1800 (or independence) to 2012. The... -
San José Urban Areas Survey by Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Educ...
The survey is part of a project on Ecosystem Services Accounting for Development (ESAfD) in six different countries: Beijing (China), San José (Costa Rica), Addis Ababa... -
Rural Energy and Household Forest Values under Varying Management Regimes 2009
The study on Rural Energy and Household Forest Values under Varying Management Regimes was conducted in Ethiopia. The general objective of this survey is to study household... -
Environment for Development Dar es Salaam Energy Survey
The Environment for Development Dar es Salaam Energy Survey (EFD-DES) consists of a household survey and an enterprise survey that took place from the 29th of January to the... -
Upplevda förändringar i handlingsfriheter under COVID-19 pandemin: En svensk ...
Covid-19 has affected people in various ways, directly through disease and death, and indirectly through disease containment measures. Understanding how the pandemic and... -
Capability ranking among health care related researchers and students at 5 Sw...
The capability approach by Amartya Sen (Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, 1998) measures quality of life in terms of capabilities; i.e.... -
Ett initiativ att utveckla goda år i Sverige: Frekvensord
This data is part of a project that has developed from the idea of Capability-Adjusted Life Years (CALYs) for the Swedish context. CALYs aim to be a questionnaire-based measure... -
Hur hedgar företag i finansiellt trångmål?
We examine how firms hedge in financial distress. Using hand-collected data from oil and gas producers, we find that derivative portfolios in these firms are characterized by... -
Översättningsminnen Konkurrensverket
Translation memories extracted by Tilde (www.tilde.com) from the data i Texts from the Swedish Competition Agency Översättningsminnen utvunna av Tilde (www.tilde.com) ur datan i... -
Översättningsminne från Riksrevisionen
A translation memory received from a translator at the Swedish NAO Översättningsminne mottaget av översättare på Riksrevisionen i december 2017 Multilingual parallel material.... -
Texter från Pensionsmyndigheten
Parallel texts in form of (orange) reports from the website of the Swedish Pension Authority. Parallella texter i form av rapporter (Orange rapport) från Pensionmyndighetens... -
Texter från Konkurrensverket
Texts collected from the Swedish Competition Authority's website around March 2018. The texts are yearly reviews and other public information from this authority. Texter... -
Förändringar i inkomstfördelningen i 16 industrialiserade länder 1966-1994
Information about GDP per capita; GDP growth; total public expenditure as percent of GDP; percent public consumption; gini coefficient for equivalent disposable income; percent... -
Ethnic Diversity and Preferences for Redistribution
Ethnic Diversity and Preferences for Redistribution attempts to explain if individual's preferences for redistribution change if the ethnic diversity increases in a... -
Ojämlikhetsmått baserade på valdata 1871 och 1892 för svenska kommuner
The data contains inequality measures at the municipality-level for 1892 and 1871, as estimated in the PhD thesis "Institutions, Inequality and Societal Transformations" by Sara... -
San José Urban Areas Survey by Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Educ...
The survey is part of a project on Ecosystem Services Accounting for Development (ESAfD) in six different countries: Beijing (China), San José (Costa Rica), Addis Ababa... -
Rural Energy and Household Forest Values under Varying Management Regimes 2009
The study on Rural Energy and Household Forest Values under Varying Management Regimes was conducted in Ethiopia. The general objective of this survey is to study household... -
Finansiering av staten: statliga skatteintäkter från 1800 till 2012
This dataset presents information on historical central government revenues for 31 countries in Europe and the Americas for the period from 1800 (or independence) to 2012. The...