Zoobenthos and sediments time series at List Reede, Sylt, Germany, in 2003
A shallow subtidal area in the northern Wadden Sea was monitored for sediment parameters and macrobenthic fauna using stratified random sampling of a grid of 50 sampling... -
Shotgun count of plankton pelagic pre-resampling data from sediment core SO20...
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Macrofaunal abundance and biodiversity in sediments in the Canadian Arctic in...
Please note (a) unit is #/78.5cm² and (b) #1 = present -
Pulse-chase experiment at DISCOL site in the Peru Basin (SE Pacific) in Augus...
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Macrobenthos along a shallow water depth gradient (5 to 20 m) in the North Se...
A transect of 30 sm (roughly 60 km) perpendicular to the coastline of the island of Sylt was sampled 4 times between October 2001 and September 2002. Sampling sites (n=21) were... -
Variability of North Sea macrozoobenthos off the Island of Sylt over 7 years ...
The macrobenthos in a fine sand site 30 km west of the island of Sylt (20 m water depth) was studied annulally in autumn by a minimum of six box cores (0.02 m²) sieved through 1... -
Variability of shallow water macrozoobenthos off Sylt (North Sea) over 10 yea...
The macrobenthos in a fine sand site 5 km west of the island of Sylt (10 m water depth) was studied annulally in autumn by a minimum of six box cores (0.02 m²) sieved through 1... -
Macrozoobenthos biomass in the prospective wind farm "Butendiek" and surround...
40 stations have been sampled with a box corer (0.02 m² surface area, 6 replicates per station) and sieved through 1 mm meshes. The residual fauna was fixed in buffered... -
Macrozoobenthos abundance in the prospective wind farm "Butendiek" and surrou...
40 stations have been sampled with a modified reineck box corer (0.02 m² surface area, 6 replicates per station) and sieved through 1 mm meshes. The residual fauna was sorted... -
Shallow water macrofauna biomass from three stations at Potter Cove, King Geo...
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Shallow water macrofauna abundance from three stations at Potter Cove, King G...
Inner diameter core = 5.4 cm => surface area = 22.89 cm**2; Samples taken in 3 replicates at a distance of few meters one from another -
Abundance of in- and epibenthic invertebrate macrofauna in the German Bight a...
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Biomass of in- and epibenthic invertebrate macrofauna in the German Bight at ...
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(Table 2) Species density and composition of an inshore and offshore station ...
Megafauna plays an important role in benthic ecosystems and contributes significantly to benthic biomass in the Arctic. The distribution is mostly studied using towed cameras.... -
(Table A-2.1 to A-2.7) Abundance of macrobenthos in surface sediments in the ...
The samples were taken with a Giant box corer (0.25 m**2). Counting: >250 µm for 0-10 cm depth; >500 µm for >10 cm depth -
Macrobenthos of the mangroves of Gazi Bay (Kenya) sampled in September 1990
Density of major macrofauna taxa (and families of Amphipoda, Isopoda, Polychaeta and Tanaidacea) and sediment characteristics for 12 sampling sites at Gazi Bay (Kenya) sampled... -
Report on the Danish Oceanographical expeditions 1908-1910 to the Mediterrane...
The present historical paper deals with the pelagic Polychaetes except the Tomopterids collected on the cruises of the \"Thor\", 1908-1910 in the Mediterannenan and adjacent... -
NICO 10 campaign 2018
<p>During the NICO-10 research expedition sediments were sampled from aboard the RV Pelagia at 11 stations along a 670 km long transect. Conducted by Royal Netherlands... -
Report on the Danish Oceanographical expeditions 1908-1910 to the Mediterrane...
The present historical paper deals with the pelagic Polychaetes except the Tomopterids collected on the cruises of the "Thor", 1908-1910 in the Mediterannenan and adjacent waters. -
NICO 10 campaign 2018
<p>During the NICO-10 research expedition sediments were sampled from aboard the RV Pelagia at 11 stations along a 670 km long transect. Conducted by Royal Netherlands...