High-Resolution Vertical Terrain of a Deep-Sea Cliff offshore Greenland and t...
We used a multibeam echosounder (Reson7125) front-mounted onto the ROV Isis (Dive D333, DY081 expedition) to map the terrain of a vertical feature marking the edge of a deep-sea... -
Abundance of epibenthic fauna on a Deep-Sea Cliff offshore Greenland and the ...
Abundance data of the epibenthic fauna annotated on each photograph taken with the ROV Isis (NOC, UK) at a deep-sea wall located offshore the West coast of Greenland (Labrador... -
ImagDOP Benthic Video Annotations in Condor seamount in 2010
Annotations of benthic sessile and mobile species recorded on video by Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) during dives performed in the Condor seamount, located 10 nm SW of Faial... -
NavCleaner for processing USBL, DVL and hybrid dive tracks
NavCleaner is a program to filter, smooth and interpolate underwater navigation data (USBL, DVL, hybrid). NavCleaner is optimised to process the navigation data of the MARUM ROV... -
Images from a TCM at the Storfjordrenna Pingos (CAGE_HH933) during the CAGE15...
This dataset includes images of the Storfjordrenna Pingos taken with a MISO-TowCam during TCM (TowCam-Multicorer) dives between the 22th and 25th of May 2015 during the cruise... -
Video images from ROV ÆGIR6000 in Kongsfjorden during the CAGE 20-7 cruise
The dataset includes two videos taken during an ROV ÆGIR6000 dive in Kongsfjorden on November 12th 2020 (11.628E; 78.98N; 308m depth). The cruise name was CAGE 20-7 and the... -
ImagDOP Benthic Video Annotations in Condor seamount in 2010
Annotations of benthic sessile and mobile species recorded on video by Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) during dives performed in the Condor seamount, located 10 nm SW of Faial... -
Images from a TCM at Site 7808 (CAGE882) during the CAGE15-2 cruise
This dataset includes images of Site 7808 taken with a MISO-TowCam during TCM (TowCam-Multicorer) dives on the 18th and 19th of May 2015 during the cruise CAGE15-2 (cruise... -
Images from a TCM at Vestnesa Ridge (CAGE888 and CAGE895) during the CAGE15-2...
This dataset includes images of Vestnesa Ridge taken with a MISO-TowCam during TCM (TowCam-Multicorer) dives on the 19th of May 2015 during the cruise CAGE15-2 (cruise report:... -
Images from a TCM at the Craters Area during the CAGE15-2 cruise
This dataset includes images of the Craters Area taken with a MISO-TowCam during TCM (TowCam -Multicorer) dives on the 27th of May 2015 (cruise report:... -
Images from a TCM at Prins Karls Foreland during the CAGE15-2 cruise
This dataset includes images of Prins Karls Foreland taken with a MISO-TowCam during TCM (TowCam-Multicorer) dives on the 17th and 18th of May 2015 (cruise report:... -
Arc-en-Sub 2022 cruise ROV VICTOR Navigation
Arc-en-Sub 2022 cruise ROV VICTOR Navigation (M. Andreani & J. Escartin) ROV Victor navigation is acquired during the cruise and post-processed by IFREMER post-cruise. Both...