Interstitial water chemistry of Hole 29-281A, raw data
Values are taken directly from the chemistry technicians shipboard notebook. -
Interstitial water chemistry of Hole 29-281, raw data
Values are taken directly from the chemistry technicians shipboard notebook. -
Interstitial water chemistry of Hole 29-280A, raw data
Values are taken directly from the chemistry technicians shipboard notebook. -
Interstitial water chemistry of Hole 29-280, raw data
Values are taken directly from the chemistry technicians shipboard notebook. -
Interstitial water chemistry of Hole 29-279A, raw data
Values are taken directly from the chemistry technicians shipboard notebook. -
Interstitial water chemistry of Hole 29-278A, raw data
Values are taken directly from the chemistry technicians shipboard notebook. -
Interstitial water chemistry of Hole 29-278, raw data
Values are taken directly from the chemistry technicians shipboard notebook. -
Interstitial water chemistry of Hole 29-277, raw data
Values are taken directly from the chemistry technicians shipboard notebook. -
Interstitial water chemistry of Hole 29-275, raw data
Values are taken directly from the chemistry technicians shipboard notebook. -
Number of germinated individuals that originated from protoplasts from Ulva l...
This dataset presents the number of germinated individuals that originated from protoplasts from Ulva lacinulata and Ulva compressa. The individuals are separated into different... -
Diameter of the larger green cells found in the thalli of Ulva lacinulata and...
This dataset presents the diameter of the larger green cells found in the thalli of Ulva lacinulata and Ulva compressa that became protoplasts after being released to the water. -
Fresh weight of Ulva lacinulata's biomass during the degradation experiment
This dataset presents the fresh weight of U. lacinulata's biomass during the degradation experiment. This allowed the calculation of relative growth rates (RGR). -
Number of protoplasts collected during the degradation experiment with Ulva l...
This dataset presents the number of protoplasts collected during the degradation experiment with Ulva lacinulata and Ulva compressa. This allowed the calculation of protoplast... -
Diameter of the discs grown from protoplasts of Ulva lacinulata at the end of...
This dataset presents the diameter of the discs grown from protoplasts of Ulva lacinulata at the end of the germination experiment. -
Water record of Magallana angulata F2 generation exposed to transgenerational...
The basic observed water characteristics (pH, temperature, salinity) of Magallana angulata (also known as Crassostrea angulata) F2 generation from larval stage to adult in the... -
Water record of immune response to transgenerational ocean acidification in M...
The basic observed water characteristics (pH, temperature, salinity) of Magallana angulata (also known as Crassostrea angulata) F2 generation from larval stage to adult in the... -
Water record of Magallana angulata F1 generation during laboratory experiment...
The basic observed water characteristics (pH, temperature, salinity and total alkalinity (TA)) and calculated water carbonate chemistry of Magallana angulata (also known as... -
Water record of Magallana angulata F0 generation exposed to low pH during lab...
The basic observed water characteristics (pH, temperature, salinity and total alkalinity (TA)) and calculated water carbonate chemistry in the hatchery located in Zhanjiang,... -
Salinity as a tool for strain selection in recirculating land-based productio...
In the paper "Salinity as a tool for strain selection in recirculating land-based production of Ulva spp. from germlings to adults" (Cardoso et al. 2023) the relative growth... -
Salinity as a tool for optimizing the Antioxidant Activity of Ulva lacinulata
In the paper "Salinity as a tool for strain selection in recirculating land-based production of Ulva spp. from germlings to adults" (Cardoso et al. 2023) the antioxidant...